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  1. Firsttimechicksxxx

    Fussy chicken who’s broody- if I move her will it break her from broodiness?

    Hiya, so I have a broody chicken and she is very fussy when it comes to laying and if I disturb her ‘laying spot’ then she will find somewhere else. She is broody atm and I want to move her from her hutch because she I living with 3 boys (breeding plan gone wrong) and there are obvious signs of...
  2. Firsttimechicksxxx

    Not laying but walking around in the day

    Hiya, I have a fairly new layer (3 months??) and I have noticed that after the past few days she has been sitting in the nesting box in the morning and evenings, with no egg being laid, but walking around midday just fine. What could the reason for this be?
  3. Firsttimechicksxxx

    2 week old chick with eye discharge

    Hi everyone I have noticed in one of my two week old chicks eye discharge coming out of his eye I am really worried and scared please can someone help
  4. Firsttimechicksxxx

    Rooster limping and spur has turned black

    Hi I have a rooster who is a year old he lives with his brother and girls. I checked on him this morning and noticed he would not put his foot on the ground and had to hop everywhere. When I examined him I noticed that his spur had turned completely black. I don’t know what to do he is my...
  5. Firsttimechicksxxx

    What is wrong with my chick

    My chick sits really weirdly and try’s to walk like this. He used to be ok until he fell Ill and he now sits and walks like this instead of normally like he used to
  6. Firsttimechicksxxx

    drowning chick is there anything i can do?

    hi, yesterday morning we found one of our chicks almost passed out because his box was way too hot. it looked like he was dying of dehydration. My husband tried to pour water down his throat because he was too weak to drink . he is quite weak and whenever i give him water i can hear a crackling...
  7. Firsttimechicksxxx

    Chick trying to be sick

    Hi I have a 2 day old chick who has been suffering from dehydration we have got some water down him with a sprinkle of dehydration powder and he keeps gagging and trying to be sick I really need some help please reply! I have just lost one to the same cause and I don’t want to loose this one.
  8. Firsttimechicksxxx

    3 day old lethargic chick

    Hi I have a 3 day old chick who is quite weak and lethargic can chicks be morning people and not want to get out of bed or is there something deeper
  9. Firsttimechicksxxx

    Does this chick have spraddle leg

    Does this chick have spraddle leg and if so how can I treat it
  10. Firsttimechicksxxx

    Can I leave a chick in an incubator for a day

    Hi I was wondering if it would be ok to leave a chick in an incubator until he had a friend
  11. Firsttimechicksxxx

    When should I assist a hatch

    I have had a chick pipped for over 24 hours with a bit of progress the hole has almost tripled in size from when I last saw it I am wondering when I should assist and if so how I should do it
  12. Firsttimechicksxxx

    How long does it take a chick (from pipping) to get out of the shell.

    How long does it take a chick who has pipped to break out of the shell?
  13. Firsttimechicksxxx

    What temperature?

    What temperature should my incubator be on when anticipating a hatch?
  14. Firsttimechicksxxx

    On day 20 of hatching bantam eggs… nothing

    I am new to hatching. I am using a Janeol-10 incubator for hatching my bantam eggs. I have heard that they hatch on day 19-20 it is day 20 and nothing has happened I am not sure what humidity should be on or what temp. At the moment they are on 38 degrees Celsius with humidity around 70 percent...
  15. Firsttimechicksxxx

    What breed is my hen?

    hi i am just wandering what breed this bantam hen is. The picture isnt the best but if any expert knows from a head shot then that will really help!
  16. Firsttimechicksxxx

    hatching in 4 days

    hello everyone, i was wondering if there is anything specific i need to do 4 days before my bantam chicken eggs hatch!
  17. Firsttimechicksxxx

    When do I stop rotating eggs

    Hi y’all just thinking when do I stop rotating my eggs? I have never incubated before and it would be helpful to know this!
  18. Firsttimechicksxxx


    hi, i have put different eggs in an incubator at different times. some are older and more developed than others. the first egg that i put in is about to be in the lockdown period but the newer eggs still need to be rotated (it is not automatic) i dont know whether i should risk not rotating the...
  19. Firsttimechicksxxx

    First time incubating bantam eggs

    This is my first time incubating eggs in a Janoel-10 incubator. I have never done this and dont know where to start. I have got the incubator started and working but i was wondering if anyone had a good routine on what to do eg. rotating them and humidity ext. any help would be much appretiated. X
  20. Firsttimechicksxxx

    LUMP on my chickens face PLEASE HELP SHES NOT MINE

    hi, i have recently noticed a squishy white lump on a chicken which is not mine (i am borrowing) i have never seen one before and need to know what this is. i will post photos soon.
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