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  • Users: Julieugar
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  1. J

    help! chicken who wont walk, appears to have fallen?

    This evening we put our 4 chickens in their run, about an hour before they were due to head into their coop compartment for the night. When we went out to close the inner door, our ameracauna was bleeding on her comb and beak and wouldnt move. It appears that the coop perch had fallen down. We...
  2. J

    Reliable laying Hens suddenly not laying in nesting boxes! Help

    I have 5 hens, 4 are lovely reliable egg layers.the fifth hen is a new layer, and has just never gotten the knack of laying in the box. ( i keep 5 different breeds of chickens so I can tell who’s eggs Im getting, they are free rangers, and have always laid in their boxes) however, number 5, Her...
  3. J

    Mystery layer? My Black Copper Maran, who's a little mean--- wont lay in the nesting box

    Hello! I am looking for some advice. Having an issue with my 8 month BCM, concerning temperament and egg laying. I'm open to any advice, and happy to answer any questions that might help figure out what's going on with this girl, Her name is Trixie. I have 5 hens. the first three are 1 year...
  4. J

    Does bumblefoot cause a pause in egg laying? And some bumblefoot advice too?

    My 10 month old Buff Orpington caused me concern that she is not laying eggs, it's been 5 DAYS--yikes. I considered that she might be decreasing eggs due to the shorter days. She was not showing the signature signs of being eggbound, no funny walk, no squatting, and no decreased appetite. In...
  5. J

    Creating 2 flocks instead of integrating new pullets

    We decided to add two 3 month pullets to our existing flock of three 10 month old chickens who free range during the day. Our three happy chickens live in a little convertible coop. When we purchased it, it seemed like we could max out at 6 birds, spatially. So felt comfortable adding two more...
  6. J

    Egg laying timing question and eek egg eating!

    I have 3 pullets that are 26 weeks and as of this week, laying eggs. 1. My Easter Egger was first to lay eggs and she is a consistent morning layer. I see an egg by 9 am each day. Clearly not falling within the predicted 25 hour cycle 2. My B.O. was second to lay, and she is late morning, and...
  7. J

    Ameracauna vs. Easter Egger colored eggs?

    My 21 week old pullet called Bertha layed her first egg(s) on Sunday, which were two small eggs. They were light blue in color, and small. She skipped yesterday, but today layed her second egg, but it’s a light green color. I’m a first timer, and was under the impression that Bertha is an...
  8. J

    Sleeping in nesting box

    I have three 20 week old Pullets— they are the same age, but different breeds. One Buff Orpington, one silver laced Wyandotte, one Ameracauna. As a newbie chicken owner, I let them sleep in their nesting boxes. They liked to huddle together in one of the three available boxes. Also, as a newbie...
  9. J

    New member

    Hi! I’m happy to be a part of Backyard Chickens! I am a first time chicken owner. I acquired three 10 week old pullets a month ago. One a Buff Orpington, one a silver laced wyondotte and an Ameracauna. I’m a huge animal lover and have had cats my whole life, but chickens are new for me! I love...
  10. J

    Injured beak on 14 week Pullet, help new chicken owner!

    I’m a first time chicken owner. One of my three 13 week old Pullets has an injury on her beak. So, my post questions the injury and cause—-and the possibility of separating the injured bird. Help! I noticed the wound on the beak as simply discolored but upon inspecting it closer it seems like...
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