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  1. newtsdaisies

    1 y/o Hen is lethargic, swollen, & has purple comb, please help!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Barred Rock Hen / 1 year old / chicken is swollen and puffy 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Lethargic, water coming from the mouth, comb turning purple, diarrhea, abdomen severely swollen...
  2. newtsdaisies

    We're on the right track!!!!

    One of my girls (Ducky) laid her first egg yesterday in the run, but she laid an egg today and made it to the nesting box! I'm so excited! It's such an odd feeling because it feels like it's never gonna happen and then it did! This is my first experience ever with chickens and I'm enjoying the...
  3. newtsdaisies

    Our very 1st Egg!

    When TSC was having their Chick Days, we purchases what we thought were 2 RIR's and 2 barred rocks (all supposed to be pullets). We have been excitedly awaiting our first egg (they turned 18 weeks yesterday) and it was one of our 'Rhode islands' except she laid a blue/green egg so I guess she's...
  4. newtsdaisies

    Question about Isolation / What to do for Beak Injury

    My almost 16 week old Plymouth Barred Rock injured her beak (we aren't sure how as we didn't witness the incident that caused the injury). She chipped off the very tip of the top portion of her beak and it bled a good bit. We finally got the bleeding stopped completely and we have her in...
  5. newtsdaisies

    3 Week Old RIR has clear nasal discharge and is sneezing

    I noticed some of my other chicks were pecking at her and so I picked her up to see if she was okay and noticed she has nasal discharge and started sneezing. I don't know what's wrong with her or what I can do to help her or keep the rest of my flock from getting whatever it is. She sounds fine...
  6. newtsdaisies

    Introducing Myself!

    I am very new to chickens!!! I'm currently raising some (almost) three week chicks!!! Currently I have 6 chicks (2 Rhode Island Reds & 4 Barred Rocks) though I will only be keeping 4 pullets when they are fully grown (the other two will go to my brother's farm in the making). I'm super stoked...
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