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  1. Brooke Carson

    Introducing chicks to the coop

    I have a handful of younger chickens (they range from 4-10 weeks right now) and we're looking at eventually introducing them to the hens outside in the coop. Those hens are some 9-10 months in age. We take the younger chickens outside in the warm parts of the day and let them see each other...
  2. Brooke Carson

    Does this look like a boy to you?

    This Buff Orpington came from TSC at the same time as the Wellbars and the Lavender and the other Buff. It grew a comb a week or two ago. We have 2 separate flocks at the moment. There are a group of hens living outside and a mixed group of sort of "teens", ducks, and chicks living together...
  3. Brooke Carson


    A month or so ago, I was searching the internet for information regarding weak egg yolks. Our yolks seem to always break no matter how gently you crack them and pour them out of the shell. The searches I turned up then seemed to indicate a lack of protein and suggested adding more mealworms to...
  4. Brooke Carson

    Anyone want to guess on my chickens' genders?

    They are all Swedish Flower Hens, probably hatched on June 12 or 13. (We ordered them as day old chicks and they arrived on the 14th). We were told the red one (#5) was a boy when he arrived, but he's the wimpiest one in the flock and has never exhibited any dominant behaviors at all so I...
  5. Brooke Carson

    Owl Attack Injury

    On Sunday morning, as we were getting ready for church, we discovered 6 of our 12 chickens dead (2 were decapitated, the others had injuries on the nape of their necks.) A google search suggested raccoons or owls as the culprit. As it happened in the morning and as we thought owls less likely...
  6. Brooke Carson


    I'm super new to chicken raising and my chicks are still inside but we're about to move them out to the coop and this big guy (I think it's a bull snake?) showed up on a building next to the coop. Should I be worried or will he stay away on his own? Are there things I should do to repel him...
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