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  1. W

    Frozen Eggs?

    We finally had a really cold day today, and I got home from work to my typical 2 eggs. Happy they're laying in these short days, but the eggs were very cold, and potentially froze. If they freeze, is there any issues with using them? Storing them? Want to make sure as this could be a problem...
  2. W

    Non layer feed question

    Hello, It's winter now in Wisconsin and my chickens switched to layer feed about 2 months ago. However, I supplement with snacks which is a cracked corn/sunflower seed/mealworm mix. The freak out over it and love it, but it seems they don't eat the layer at the same rate. How often should I...
  3. W

    One pullet laying, others seem to have stalled

    I got three barred rock pullets on June 3 and they were most likely a few days to a week old when I bought them. I got my first egg on October 20, at roughly 20-21 weeks, from the one I expected to be the one to lay first. She has laid an egg every day but 3 since, and at first I was...
  4. W

    First egg questions

    Hello, I got three barred rock pullets the first week the first weekend in June, and got my first egg this past Friday. Needless to say I was excited. It was one day short of 20 weeks owning them, but I'm assuming she was between 20 and 21 weeks old when she layed as I bought her as a chick...
  5. W

    Water for chickens in cold climate

    This is my first year with chickens, and I live in Wisconsin, which soon nights will start getting below freezing, and soon after that some days, and soon after it will most likely be below freezing all day long, with possible below zero temps, polar vortexes, you name it . What is the best way...
  6. W

    My first chickens

    Just thought I'd show off my three barred rocks. Got a chicken coop and run with our semi rural home. Bought them at start of June. Have been fully outdoors for 3 weeks now and growing. Even without any eggs yet I'm thinking of building a bigger coop and getting a couple more next year...
  7. W

    New chicken owner, barred rock question

    Hello all. I bought 3 barred rock pullet chicks from the local farm and fleet who gets their chicks from cackle hatchery. I think I have all pullets based on tons of research but one is a bit different. I was told they are all pullets but I know it's never a sure thing. Two are obvious pullets...
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