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  • Users: kinnip
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  1. kinnip

    rumpless? drrr?

    I have a crazy, mixed up house hen who is losing her tailfeathers. I really thought she was through with her adolescent moulting, and these feathers do not appear to be growing back. She does have some rumplessness in her crazy, mixed up pedigree. I'm expecting an egg in the laundry basket...
  2. kinnip

    prized French Blue Footed Chickens

    Hi guys, it's been awhile, but I need some help. I spoke with a local chef today who was serving French "Blue Footed Chicken". I looked it up on Wikipedia and came up with this: Poulet de Bresse From what stock are these bred? The cost per pound is exorbitant, and I'd like to offer him a...
  3. kinnip

    a suggestion for culling

    I've read so many posts lately about culling, it's that time of year. Culling just plain sucks. It's also something all of us hatchaholics will have to deal with again and again. I've posted this in other threads, but here it is again. [Edited to remove link to inappropriate site] tool...
  4. kinnip

    Arabian lovers

    I know there are more than a couple of you out there. I'm looking for a Polish stud for my mare. It would be great if he were here in the SE, so I can check him out, but I'm not beyond ordering semen. I really want to breed up. My girl is from Aladdin and Bask lines. I'd love to find a guy...
  5. kinnip

    I'm so gonna be a jerk and vent on the sly

    I'm going to complain about my wonderful, patient boyfriend behind his back. I've been really sick with Lyme disease. I'm not getting around so well and I'm taking a lot of painkillers. Usually, I take care of all the farm stuff. It's a job and a half, but I have a system. Since the illness...
  6. kinnip

    Where do they put it?! I'm losing my run!

    My chickens move more dirt than a grading company, and I have no idea where they are putting it. They've removed several inches of soil over the past year. More than several in the places they like to bathe. I know some of it stays in the feathers, but shouldn't the bulk of just be...
  7. kinnip

    Any Lyme disease sufferers out there?

    I suspected Lyme was the culprit, and today my doc confirmed it. I'm in the second stage. The initial stage must've been pretty mild, then resolved. About a month ago I took some antibiotics for an infected tooth and it caused the bacteria to split up and colonize. I seem to have gotten...
  8. kinnip

    Appleyards--do I gotta, gotta have 'em?

    They're sooo pretty. I've read that they're good layers and table birds. Any other good features? Do they deal with being penned well? Do they fly?
  9. kinnip

    Anyone separate their roos from their hens?

    I'm sick of seeing bald backs! I plan on separating the roos except for the occasional date. How long can I put off this date before I lose fertility? I was thinking about putting them together once a week. Too often? Not often enough?
  10. kinnip

    WTB in W. GA- French Guinea eggs

    Any froo-froo Frenchified guinea eggs out there?
  11. kinnip!

    All do, no think. Sometimes that's great, but when it comes to incubating eggs, there has to be a little compunction. The BF has been steadily feeding eggs into the incubator and I'm very pleased about that. Waiting for the eggs to finish seems to be a problem for him. He's helped a couple...
  12. kinnip

    baffled by turkey poult ailment

    The poult is almost two weeks old. He's kept in a brooder with chicks and, until they discovered the water, two ducklings. He has no contact with the big chickens save what comes in on me or a fly. None of my other birds, neither chickens nor turkeys are showing signs of illness. I hatched...
  13. kinnip

    Any clickers out there

    I've recently started my horses on clicker training. It's been a very positive experience for all of us. My Arab mare has gone from Miss Fidget to standing with her head in her bucket while groom her. It's nice to not chase a horse around with a curry comb. My gelding is a little slower, but...
  14. kinnip

    looking for OPINIONS on CAE

    I know this can turn into an argument fast enough, so I'm eliciting opinions only. Should you have some documentation to support your opinion, please share it. Any input on the subject is welcome. Specifically, I'd like to know how many of you test for it and/or remove kids from dams.
  15. kinnip

    very weird turkey behavior question. probably not for children!

    My tom has been doing a very weird shaky 'dance' today. It looks very much like something he should be doing on a hen (flapping in a forward direction and doing the Elvis with his pelvis), but the hens aren't around. Both before and after the 'dance' he's doing his strut. During the strut his...
  16. kinnip

    are blue slates broody?

    I have two hens who've started laying. They have a mighty clutch, but haven't gone broody yet. I want those poults bad. Should I snatch the eggs and put them in the bator, or will the girls go broody? I'd much rather they hatch/raise them on their own. I already have a house full of growing...
  17. kinnip

    wild doe with overstuffed udder-- need a little advice

    I recently had two does kid. One had twins and is the best mom I could ask for. Her udder is emptied by babies everyday. The other doe is wild. She was always stand-offish, but it's gotten worse. She only had one kid. She feeds it modestly. It doesn't seem to be hungry, and it's belly...
  18. kinnip

    benadryl for itchy hen

    Does anyone know what the recommended dosage is? I'm planning on using the children's liquid. It'll have to be an ongoing thing, I think. It doesn't seem to matter what bedding I use, she scratches herself bald and bloody. I'm not worried about the eggs. Her eggs have always been really awful.
  19. kinnip

    duck with leg that won't straighten

    It was only hatched an hour ago. It has one leg that is still retracted. It's using its hock to get around. Should I put it down now, or wait to see if it will straighten out?
  20. kinnip

    favourite kitty in hospital and I'm ready to move

    There are many compelling reasons for us to move from the neighborhood we currently inhabit. It really isn't enough room for a farm and the neighbors are crazy nosey, but the cat was the straw that broke the goamel's back. My Monkey is in kitty hospital with a blocked urinary tract. The doc...
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