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  1. M

    Chicken sits in nesting box but doesn’t lay

    A bit of [hopefully relevant] background: I had a small flock of four chickens, Petunia, a Cinnamon Queen - also the head hen, Rose and Lily, Rode Island Reds, and Dahlia, a Barred Rocks. They are all a year and a month old and I got them from my local tractor supply. Sadly, my Petunia suddenly...
  2. M

    Can I meal prep with backyard eggs?

    I prefer to meal prep breakfast. Am I able to make breakfast bowls with the eggs from my hens and reheat them through the week? I added a picture of Dahlia for no reason. ❤️
  3. M

    Chickens hate their coop?

    relevant information: - 4 chickens (1barred rocks, 1 cinnamon queen, 2 Rhode Island reds) - all of the chickens are 5 months old and three of them have started to lay within the last 2 weeks. - Located in middle Tennessee, near Nashville - using this chicken coop and run...
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