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  1. RennaeHanson

    Featherless backs...

    Some of my chickens have lost some of their feathers from their backs...this doesn't seem to be a seasonal thing and not always the same chickens have this happen. Why is this happening and can I do anything to stop it?
  2. RennaeHanson

    Grey Slate Tom Turkey Antics

    I have a Grey Slate Tom Turkey that is turning 1 year next month and lately his behaviors have changed a bit lately and I wanted input from you guys on why this is happening and what to expect. Up to now Tom has been friendly with myself and with visitors however the other day one of my egg...
  3. RennaeHanson


    I recently got 14 chicks, they are now about 10 or 11 weeks old and I believe I have 4 roosters - one Amberlink, 2 or 3 Barred Rock and maybe one Buckeye. I already have a beautiful rooster but he crows all day and sometimes late at night and the neighbors are getting annoyed so I am thinking...
  4. RennaeHanson

    My Flock...

    The rooster and 2 hens are the originals, today I added 14 6 to 8 week hens.
  5. RennaeHanson

    Adding to your flock

    What do you guys do to add 6 to 8 week old chicks to your flock of 1 rooster and 2 hens? Do I have to worry about the rooster killing them?
  6. RennaeHanson

    AZ Chicken Owner, new to Backyard Chickens

    Hello! I am new to Backyard Chickens and am a second time chicken owner...I say second time because when I was married and lived in Oregon I had a flock of about 30 to 35 but that was several years ago. This year I set up a new coop and now have the beginnings of a new flock so I am excited to...
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