Search results for query: *

  1. ChickGalSyl

    Are dead crickets okay to feed to chickens?

    My friend has a pet gecko and she accidentally ordered too many crickets (food for the gecko), but some of them died. I was wondering if these would be safe to feed to my chickens? They died maybe a day ago. I was wondering because she told me that she can’t feed the dead ones to her gecko...
  2. ChickGalSyl

    Chicken w/ Thickened legs, trouble walking, help!

    My chicken (at least 5 years old) has been noticeably slower than the rest of the flock, and is concerning me. I first started noticing it maybe 2 months ago. When the other chickens are scratching around, she’s usually lying down resting. She is older than most of the other birds, but I think a...
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