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  1. ChickenWhisperer221

    Bloody poop - possibly egg bound??

    Hi. I found my chicken Chickadee in the nestbox this morning and thought she was just laying an egg but then I went back a few minutes ago and she was still in the nextbox and very lethargic. I brought her inside and she had a very runny bloody poop with some "fleshy" looking chunks. I am...
  2. ChickenWhisperer221

    Calcium Deficient duck?

    Hi everyone, I have a Fawn and White Runner Duck named Popcorn who is 4 years old. She has been acting super down and mopey lately and recently has been laying eggs with very thin soft shells. Normally my ducks are less energetic and less interested in food during the winter but I feel like...
  3. ChickenWhisperer221

    Chicken attacked by Bobcat - pain med dossage help please!

    Hello! My chicken Cumin was attacked by a bobcat this afternoon. She has numerous wounds, most of which are not terribly serious however. She does have one puncture wound under her leg and a severe cut by her left wing however. I have given her some goldenseal to help with the infection and...
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