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  1. DouglasPeeps

    Anyone Hatching on the 27th or 28th? - I Need Hatching Buddies!!

    Lets hatch together!!! I have eggs that are due to hatch on the 27th! They are under my broody buff orpington. My Broody Buff Orp She has 12 Welsummer eggs under her! WooHoo! Can't wait until they hatch! What about you? When are your eggs due to hatch? How many eggs do you have set...
  2. DouglasPeeps

    How Many Days Do YOU Have Left?? >>Countdown Thread<<

    How Many Days Of School Do You Have Left? I am a homeschooling mama and we offically have this week and next week left for school! So let the countdown begin........7 more days! Don't get me wrong, I love schooling my children, but I am ready for summer break! How many days do...
  3. DouglasPeeps

    GAG - BLECK - GAG - BLECK - There is NOTHING worse than....

    Broody poop (gagging) (gagging) I have a broody hen and tonight when I was locking up all the chickens, she got up and did her thing. She isn't even in the coop, but a special hutch for her and her chicks to be in our shed. Needless to say, I was holding my breath while I finished all my...
  4. DouglasPeeps

    WooHoo! I Successfully "Set" my Broody Hen! -Pics, **DAY 18

    I have a broody hen that is VERY broody. I ordered eggs to set under her! My questions is this........ Currently she is in a nest box in our coop. I have a hutch to use for her to brood in. Should I transfer her into this hutch or just leave her in the nest box in the coop? Would it be...
  5. DouglasPeeps

    LOOKING for Dark and Colored eggs for my Broody - CO

    My Buff Orpington hen is broody! Yipee! I am looking for anyone in CO who might have Ameraucana, Maran, and/or Welsummer eggs that are local. Or, I will take suggestions for another breed. Ideally I would love to pick them up...
  6. DouglasPeeps


    YIPEE! I have a broody hen! I have been expecting her to become broody for a week. But now, she just won't move. Her personality has drastically changed - She is now growling and puffed! hehe! I love it! She is such a sweet hen and will make a great mama! Only one problem......I need...
  7. DouglasPeeps

    Help-- friend with a broody that ate an egg on day 18!

    I am posting this for a friend of mine. She has a broody (Black Australorp) that is setting on 9 eggs. Today is day 18. She went out to check on her today and noticed her picking on something. So she moved her broody and found that there was a chick - fully developed in the nest. The...
  8. DouglasPeeps

    I **LOVE** my Black Star Chicks!

    I just love the coloring on my black star chicks. They are absolutely beautiful. I didn't expect the striking colors on the black stars. They are very friendly too! I can't wait until they start laying eggs!
  9. DouglasPeeps

    I think my Orpington is a "SHE" and is a "Black Orpington"

    I hatched this Orpington from MissPrissy's eggs. I think "she" is a she. She is 9 weeks old. Isn't she beautiful!
  10. DouglasPeeps

    PHOTOBUCKET questions - please help!! - I got it! thanks!

    I am looking for a little help with photobucket. I have quite a few of my photos uploaded to photobucket. I have some pictures that I have on photobucket, but for some reason don't have saved on my computer. I have tried and tried to copy them so I can save them on my computer, to no avail...
  11. DouglasPeeps

    With B-day $$ in hand-I am off to buy supplies to build 1st incubator!

    I am going today to get all supplies to build my first incubator! What I really mean is I am going to buy the supplies, but DH is going to build it. I am sure I will help, at least a little! I have incubated eggs once in a LG without a fan and turner. I am just not able to spend the $$$ on...
  12. DouglasPeeps

    **It is about NEED - I NEEDED new chicks!! **lots of pics**

    I called the feed store this morning, innocently. I just wanted to "check and see" if they had the chicks that I might want. Well they didn't. Phew! That was close. But then, they told me their "sister store" in the next town had the ones I was looking for. Hmmmmm. So, I called them and...
  13. DouglasPeeps

    RIR Laying Hens - for sale - COLORADO

    I have 10-12 Rhode Island Red laying hens for sale. They were purchased from MMH as day old chicks in February of 2008. So, they are 1 year old. They are friendly and have been handled often since they were chicks. $10.00 each, pick-up only. Here are some pictures of them that were taken...
  14. DouglasPeeps

    **ATTENTION** IF YOU INCUBATE IN COLORADO, share your secrets!

    I know that each state/area is different for incubating eggs. I am looking for information from my fellow Coloradans. Can you please tell me about your incubation method? My elevation is approx 6300ft. Day 1-18 What is your humidity level? Day 19-21 What is your humidity level? I had...
  15. DouglasPeeps

    Has Anyone torn/pulled a Muscle/ligament/tendon Before?? Ouch!!!

    I am a klutz, I admit it. Here is the story. Tonight while fixing dinner, DH and I were in the kitchen together. We were playing and I turned to "run" around the table (he was chasing me ). Almost at the exact same time, I heard a popping noise and had shooting/cramping pain in my right...
  16. DouglasPeeps

    Homemade "DONUTS" - with pictures!

    This is my family recipe for homemade donuts. I am warning you, they are very addictive! Don't say I didn't tell you! This recipe makes more than enough to share. It is a great gift to share with neighbors, take to church get-togethers, or just to impress those you know! **DouglasPeeps...
  17. DouglasPeeps

    Anyone Hatching on the 4th?

    My eggs are due on February 4th. I started with 18 and am now down to 8. I have EE's and BBS Orpington eggs in the bator? Who else is hatching on the 4th????
  18. DouglasPeeps

    Compare the size of a SILKIE for me

    My children think that silkies are adorable. So my question is......Can you please compare their size? I have heavy breeds - RIR, BO, SLW, etc. Can Silkies be mixed in with these breeds, or would they need their own coop?
  19. DouglasPeeps

    Anyone Familiar with **COMPLEX MIGRAINES**?

    I am curious about how many of you here on BYC are familiar with this particular type of migraine. Until this past weekend, I had never heard of them. The symptoms are the same as regular migraines as in extreme headache, sensitive to light, vomiting, etc. They differ from a typical migraine...
  20. DouglasPeeps

    FEB incubation experience -JULY update - BLK. ORP & EE *new pics*

    This is my first experience at incubating eggs! Needless to say, I am tickled! I feel like a kid the night before Christmas, even if it will take 21 DAYS TO HATCH!. I ordered BBS Orpington eggs from MissPrissy on Tuesday. They arrived this morning - Thursday! They were all in great...
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