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  • Users: spope
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  1. S

    Egg bound

    This is day two my hen who lays every day has not laid. She is 1. She is really lazy as of today. Feathers fluffed. Drinking still. I put her in Epsom salt. She pushed but can’t get it out. She has pooped some in the bath. This is what her vent looks like, no egg yet. What do I do. Picture is...
  2. S

    Duck puke

    random question… can ducks puke because they are too full? My pekin just puked up like 4 earthworms… I saw him eat a bunch outside… could he be too full? He was drinking water and started puking in the water. Poor kid lol I hate when he pukes. The only other time my ducks have puked is riding...
  3. S

    Do my ducks have wet feather?

    I have noticed recently that both my male and female duck have been looking and getting really wet after bath time. Since it’s been cold, we limit outdoor baths, but it’s getting a little nicer (40 degrees) so I let them swim outside. We usually allow them in our bath tub every 1-2 days. We also...
  4. S

    Duck opening mouth/yawning

    My male Pekin was in the bath, I gave him lettuce, he just preened and oiled himself up for like 30 minutes and keeps yawning??? Is he ok? Hes been doing it for like 15 minutes. Im trying to post a video but its being a pain.
  5. S

    Rooster attacking hen

    Hi. So I know that roosters have a tendency to be aggressive while mating with the hens. BUT, I have a rooster (who seems to be a little mentally and physically delayed, seriously). We actually thought he was a girl until we heard him crow one day. He is full grown, 8 months or so. Just started...
  6. S

    Duck regurgitation

    Hi! I have two ducks. Male (Pekin) and female (mix of Pekin). They are 4 months old. I am new to owning ducks. They are indoor outdoor ducks. They sleep inside at night and we allow them to roam during the day and swim. We love them dearly. Yesterday I noticed what looked to be my ducks...
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