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  1. D

    Need feed brand recommendations

    I have been feeding Nutrena Naturewise starter/grower feed. My chicks absolutely love it and there is a lot less waste with this feed compared to the store brand of feed I had originally fed them. My issue is that, whenever I go buy feed I usually have to ask employees to look in the back...
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    Do i keep my chicks on medicated or switch to non medicated

    I have chicks of different ages, 5 weeks, 4 weeks and 3 weeks. They are just about through their bag of medicated chick starter, so will be buying another bag soon. I'm unsure if I should keep them on medicated or switch to unmedicated. Also, should I keep them on chick starter, or should I...
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    Different aged chicks, when to put them outside?

    I have 8 chicks, they are all different ages. 5 are 4 weeks old, 2 is 3 weeks old and 1 is 2 weeks old. I'm unsure if I should put them all out at the same time, or if I need to separate them and put them out when they reach 6 weeks individually? The 4 week olds are mostly feathered, their...
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    Leghorn or California white? Or maybe something else?

    The other day I went to TSC and bought some chicks. One of which was labeled as a California White. I've been trying to do some reading up on the CWs, and everything I'm seeing says they are white with a few black spots (as chicks yellow with black spots). The chick I got is yellow with no spots...
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    Hybrid egg layers

    I'm curious what other people's opinions are on California White and Isa Brown (red sex link). How do they compare to each other as far as personality and egg laying? I have seen and read alot that they both are calm and loving, docile birds. Recently I have been seeing alot of comments saying...
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    Is it possible to have to much ventilation? Open air coop questions.

    I'm still in the planning process for my coop, I have a general idea of the style of coop I want to build. I'm wanting an open air/open faced/3 sided coop, with a slanted/lean to roof, it will be a walk in coop. I was thinking of having the open part (covered in hardware cloth) faced towards the...
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    How many roosters to start with?

    Hi, I'm a bit new to this, I grew up with chickens but haven't had any since being an adult. This spring I plan to change that. My question is how many roosters should I start with? I know the general number is 1 roo for every 10 or so hens, I'm planning to get about 10-12 hens so I know in...
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