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  • Users: Hootrvil
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  1. H

    Repell All Product?

    Has anyone had any luck with Repell All around their hives? Would it be bad for the chickens? I've used it successfully for the past few years around my garden for deer and coons....just wondering if around the coop could help?
  2. H

    Can you help me predator proof this coop better?

    I bought this shameful little coop, adorable, but fragile, for my Polish so they could be separated from my main flock. I had extra 6' fence I've put around it and have it set up so that I can open the coop door and it will lead into the metal run with the top over it. I don't have daytime...
  3. H

    How many 40# bags of Horse Pellets?

    Hello! My coop is 10x12 and I'm wanting to switch to horse pellets for bedding. How many of the 40# bags would I need? I stink at math. Pic because I love him. Thanks!
  4. H

    Meyer Hatchery Cochin

    Can someone verify that the bird in the front left is a roo? I ordered 3 ladies and I think I got two roos. The one in the back (not the barred mix) is one of the others. I thought Meyer had a guarantee on their birds as far as sexing them. Thanks!
  5. H

    Blue grey hens (Hoping) What are your opinions?

    Another set from the eggs I hatched from a BCM rooster and assorted hens...(I believe she said the hens were "pure" varieties...her goal was olive eggers. These two "blue" birds have beautiful color and one has a short crest. I'm so hoping they are both ladies. The birds in the first pic have...
  6. H

    BCM mix--barred rock with crest? Lady or Gent?

    BCM roo over assorted hens...her goal was olive eggers. This looks like barred rock, but has a crest? Do you think boy or girl? Approximately 8 weeks old. What other breeds are crested like legbars? Thanks!
  7. H

    Black Copper Shimmer Gender ID?

    These are almost 7 weeks old. And I don't know how you all get such great pics! Mine will not hold still for a second. One of these has that shimmer in their tail that always an indication of rooster? Any guesses on these two?
  8. H

    I hope this wasn't a bad idea.

    Like the title says, I hope this wasn't a bad idea but it's what I could come up with quickly. Just got my 6' fence up....100 feet and the chickens have been out for two days. (in a completely predator proof coop at night). I have 40 and they are almost 7 weeks old. (15 are going to new homes...
  9. H

    BCM? and roo? Also grey marans mix....also a roo?

    Dad was pure BCM running with pure BCM and Easter Egger gals. Wondering if the black one would be considered pure BCM as I'm seeing white and if both are definitely roos. Hatched April 1st.
  10. H

    Turning Storage building into Coop--surrounding fence/net suggestions?

    Hello! I'm turning a nice 10x12 storage building into a coop. I'm putting a 6' high fence for the run that will start at the edges of the coop and shoot out from the building on each side....if that makes sense. This building has the double doors which I will close at night. (until I manage an...
  11. H

    Cover for a prefab coop

    Hello! I've purchased a prefab coop that is perfect for my set of golden laced Polish. I'm attaching an extended run with all the necessary fencing to keep out pests... my question is how could I create a "cover" for the coop so that it lasts a bit longer than if left alone. I was thinking some...
  12. H

    Young but still curious--boys or girls?

    Hello! I hatched these chicks on April 2nd. So big already! I'm hoping you all can help with sexing...or rather confirm what I think. They come from a pure BCM rooster over BCM hens and Easter Egger hens. (please excuse the dirty brooder is cleaning day!) Is it often right...
  13. H

    How long do you wait until it's over?

    Hello! Day 21 for me was Monday evening...Tuesday morning was the first hatch and throughout the day. 7 or 8 more hatched on Wednesday which meant 23 out of 25 had hatched successfully. Yea! Last night I thought I was done and was going to clean the incubator and put away, but I didn't. I...
  14. H

    Air bubble seems to be in the wrong place--can you help?

    Hello! I candled my eggs last night (8th day) and it looks like the majority of these eggs have their air pocket/bubble beneath the developing embryo. Some of these eggs were from my daughter's hens and I also purchased a set from a local so they weren't shipped. The eggs are in the incubator...
  15. H

    Do you take all eggs out of the incubator and candle or a few at a time?

    I haven't hatched eggs in probably 15 years. When it comes time to candle, I can't remember if I took the lid off the incubator and then did each egg, or tried not to take the lid off and just pull them one at a time? What's the best process? Thank you!
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