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  1. S

    Will a hoop house chicken tractor work in windy S MO?

    The title. I really like the idea of a hoop house since it's cheap and easy to make, but relatively strong, and portable in the tractor form. But, I'm worried about tornadoes and rain. How much of the "run" area needs to be covered to keep from becoming a mud bath, and will the wind be too...
  2. S

    Help! Brand new Rhode island red chick trying to eat everyone else

    Just took my 4 new hen chicks home. Black australorp, black sexlink, Rhode island red, and buff orpington. The RIR is aggressive, and went after the other chicks almost immediately. Just nibbling thinking they were food. But now she's discovered that the black australorp has white tips on her...
  3. S

    Hi! Newbie here!

    Mandatory newbie post. I'm getting 4 chicks on Monday, and I'm so excited! This is my brooder box. The heating system is actually being discussed in another post I made, but this is what I have so far.
  4. S

    Please help me with recommendations for "heat lamps"

    First of all, I planned to do an indoor brooder box and it's about 32x22" inside. I wanted to do an Ohio brooder, but I planned on getting a couple 40w incandescent bulbs to help keep the chicks warm. But I read an article here that said they shouldn't have all that, and should only have a...
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