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  1. soccerbabiesmama

    Missing feathers - but why? No rooster!

    We purchased 2 layers from a very clean farm a couple weeks ago that were housed with a couple of roos. They were missing feathers above their tails, like you would see from birds who've been with a roo. We quarantined them, they seemed fine. A week after they were introduced to our 3 hens...
  2. soccerbabiesmama

    Free loading Black Copper Marans!!!

    Our Black Copper Marans are 7 months old. The eat plenty, get room to roam (in a large run) and have nice red combs and wattles! Not one stinkin egg? What gives?
  3. soccerbabiesmama

    Is this normal? Egg white in nesting box

    I found this in the nesting box today. I have 2 Marans that are 5 months old and should be coming into lay, and one australorp who has been laying well for almost a year. It looks like egg white, no sign of a shell or soft shell. Also, there is no yolk. Any ideas?
  4. soccerbabiesmama

    Yellowing in nesting box

    We have a 1 year old Australorp and 2 5 month Copper Marans. The Marans have recently started to use the nesting box (not to lay, I guess they are just practicing) and we have noticed the the wood chips are starting to yellow. It's as if someone sprayed yellow food coloring in the little bowl...
  5. soccerbabiesmama

    Scaly Feathers on Neck of 4 month old Copper Marans

    Does anyone know what is causing these scaly feathers on our 4 month old Black Copper Marans hen? Are they dangerous, contagious to the other birds or humans? Thanks!
  6. soccerbabiesmama

    Chicken died, no symptoms no illness, no problems... just dead.

    We have 4 aussie mixes. They have a coop with plenty of ventilation and deep bedding. They get fresh water daily, oats and Layena. One bird died last week, but she had very bloody eggs for a couple of days. The wonderful people of BYC told me it was probably a problem in her laying track...
  7. soccerbabiesmama

    My Aussie died after laying an egg with blood :(

    My Aussie, who isn't quite a year old had a lightly blood streaked egg yesterday. We added some oil and peanut butter to her food, but there was more blood today, and blood some blood in her nesting box. I look into the coop, and our sweet, darling hen was gone. Does this sound like anything...
  8. soccerbabiesmama

    Do chickens change their egg color?

    So, we have 4 black aussies. Only one chicken has been laying so far, we got our first egg 2 weeks ago. So far, all of hte eggs have been blue/green. But today, we got a brown egg. I'm trying to figure out if a new girl is laying. My question is, will a chicken suddenly change from laying...
  9. soccerbabiesmama

    Egg wait anyone???

    We have these 4 black australorp freerange freeloaders! At 6 months, still no eggs, barely any combs and tiny little wattles. Anyone want to wait with me?
  10. soccerbabiesmama

    Infested with FLIES!!!!

    We have an uncontrollable fly problem and need all the help that we can get. We have 4 hens in an a-frame tractor with an attached run. The tractor has deep bedding and the run is over bermuda grass. Despite moving it weekly to new areas, the flies are uncontrollable and swarming. Being an...
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