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  1. M

    How long after setting up a coop/run did you notice anything trying to get in?

    We're new at this so please excuse the noob question. We've had our chickens outside in the coop/run for 2 months now and so far everything is great. It doesn't look like anything has tried to dig under, no indications of mice or anything. We have a lot of possible predators in the area...
  2. M

    6 Week Old Chick Sex Question

    Hi all, Our chicks are just shy of 6 weeks and the suspense is killing me. We have 7, 3 are autosexing/sex link but the other 4 are "pullets" *with a 90% accuracy from the feed store. I tried getting pictures like the ones in the example, but we're acclimating them to the outside and they...
  3. M

    Hi! Totally new at this. . . :)

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm completely new to chickens. We got our first chicks just about 6 weeks ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 7 (3) What breeds do you have? Black Australorp Lavender Orpington Cream Legbar Barred Rock Silver Laced...
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