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  • Users: swampducks
  • Content: Threads
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  1. swampducks

    Northern Michigan 1st Annual Poultry Fest 2012 - FOOD and ATTENDEES

    Hello peeps! I now have confirmation from Anish that the pavilion has electricity.I don't know how many outlets but there ought to be at least one for a crock pot or two. Sept 22 10 am till whenever Douglas Park, Lovells, MI county road 612 So, if you would please reply to this thread with...
  2. swampducks

    MICHIGAN Chickenstock North - 2012 August or September

    Okay peeps, listen up. As many have expressed interest in a northern MI CS thread I figured someone ought to start a thread about it. A couple other Michiganders are looking into some places up here along I-75, Grayling seems to be mentioned a lot so far. But I won't name anyone, because this...
  3. swampducks

    Can I reunite a duckling with his mom and siblings?

    My muscovy duck hatched 9 little guys last monday and tuesday. a couple days late I found one on his back, cold and listless. I got him inside, revived him and now he's a little lonely dynamo. Can't see a thing wrong with him. So my question is can I reunite him with his mom, 8 sibs and dad...
  4. swampducks

    ATTN: Northeastern MI 5 free runner ducks

    I wasn't sure where to put this as they are free ducks, no money involved. My neighbor has 5 fawn and white runner ducks, 4 males, 1 female, hatched in May of 2010, purchased from Townline Hatchery. Due to family problems he needs to give up his ducks. If anyone is interested in all or any...
  5. swampducks

    Is Moving a newly laying Muscovy Duck a bad idea?

    My 11 month old Muscovy duck has just started laying. Currently, she and her beau are in with the chickens and guineas (long story) . The laid an egg yesterday in one spot behind a nesting box and this morning an egg was inside a nesting box. DH is putting the finishing touches on my new duck...
  6. swampducks

    Ding, Dong, The Mink is DEAD!!!!!

    Which old mink? The one that killed my puddle ducks last summer and then started in on my muscovies 2 weeks ago. It's not a great win, because both MR and Mrs Duck are gone as is their last 9 hatched ducklings. The ducklings and their 3 older siblings were being kept in the garage at night...
  7. swampducks

    I Had 4 Ducklings

    Momma duck, my lone female muscovy hatched 4 little ducklings last week. The other day she started taking them to the pond then bringing them back to sleep in the garage at night. I don't know what I was thinking! This afternoon the inevitable happened. I found her back in the garage already...
  8. swampducks

    Power Outtage!

    It finally happened to me. Thunderstorm in the middle of the night. When I woke up at 5 am and realized the lights were out, I had to stumble out to the living room, find the flashlight, and saw the temp in the incubator and hatcher had both dropped to 80!. It was a warm night so it could have...
  9. swampducks

    Muscocvy Eggs are Hatching!

    This is day 43 of what is supposed to be 35 days that my duck is sitting on her 7 eggs in the garage. Since nothing seemed to be happening we were going to throw them out, but not till we candled them first to see what went wrong. Good thing we did! One egg had a star shaped crack in it and...
  10. swampducks

    Where is That HUGE Evil Silkies Thread?

    I know there were lots of posts about evil silkies last month or so, but apparently my searches are useless! There was long thread that the silkie lovers (those gone to the dark side) tried to hijack. Anyone know where it is? HA! I think I just found it! I had to use Google though even that...
  11. swampducks

    My 1000th Post!!

    Guess I'm no longer "Overrun with Guineas"! So what is my title now? Guess I'll have to submit and see. Plus I've got chicks pipping and zipping!
  12. swampducks

    Dominant Mean Guinea

    I've about decided that evil MR Guinea has to "go" even if he is a pretty lavender one. He attacks anyone he doesn't like including my hens, other male guineas (don't know about the females as no one is yacking while running away) and my only white guinea whom I named Killer when he was the only...
  13. swampducks

    Guinea Eggs Day 26 - Nothing - A KEET!!!

    We actually had one hatch 4 days ago but alas, I forgot to tell DH to put rocks in the water dish and the poor thing drowned. Today is day 26 and there isn't a peep, wiggle, pip or anything! This is my first time trying to hatch guineas (first time with chicks is next). Anyone have experience...
  14. swampducks

    Mucked Out the Coop Today

    Twelve inches of deep litter str:/aw, leaves, and chicken and guinea poop in a 6 by 8 foot coop. Boy was that fun! Still this is the first big muck-out since the coop was finished last summer. Was a little difficult scraping around the edges since the guineas have been hiding eggs along 2 sides...
  15. swampducks

    Conjoined Peeps Separated in Medical Miracle!

    Used Peeps in the title since c h i c k s is hen today. But check this out, it's wonderous to behold!
  16. swampducks

    42 Guinea Eggs in the Bator!!!

    Just put 'em in within the last hour. Put in the best size/looking ones. No idea if any of them are fertile, haven't seen any guineas doing the deed, though I did see my BR roo having a good time with a lavender the other day. Hopefully, there won't be too many of those crosses! Now I just...
  17. swampducks

    Help me Convince DH about Gray Toulouse Gesse

    And maybe even myself. :-) We drove to his parent's farm for supper last night and passed a house with free ranging guineas and 2 of the prettiest geese I have ever seen! (I've only ever seen Canada geese and those big white ones). I looked them up on line and they had to be Toulouse. So...
  18. swampducks

    New Chicken Breeds at Townline in Michigan

    I went to my feed store in Spruce, MI yesterday and they had the chick ordering set up for Townline Hatchery in Zeeland, MI. I'm not sure which breed they got rid of but Townline is now offering Silver Laced Wyandottes! I had actually decided not to get any new chicks this year (hatching my own)...
  19. swampducks

    Will Minks attack Geese?

    Last year I had several ducks killed at night on the pond by a mink (that's what the local trappers said was diong it). I sent my ducks away to another farm and we placed traps but no luck so the mink is still out there. So I am wondering if geese would be too big for a mink or is that just...
  20. swampducks

    Who Sells Decent Dark Cornish?

    I'm not looking to breed a perfect specimen, just want to try some dark cornish because they seem to be good foragers and my husband likes the looks of them (anything to keep DH from pulling the plug on my chicken thang works for me!) After doing a search through the BYC boards I've seen a...
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