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  1. DoodlesDuckies

    Sometimes it is the small things...

    Hello. Brief back ground, I have 9 ducks and 2 geese all born around April 6, geese are a touch older. The ducks go in their hut nightly with ease. The geese have been another story. They outwit me EVERY step of the way. Clark, I can easily pick up or he/she will go in knowing there is food...
  2. DoodlesDuckies

    When does the OCD end and the acceptance begin? (Duck Mess)

    Ok, so I am new at this duck mom thing and don't get me wrong I love them and all. But WOW...everyday I am cleaning and spraying and cleaning and draining pools (yes 3 pools) and more spraying and more spraying and more spraying. I put out 3 pools, 3 water stations and 3 food stations and they...
  3. DoodlesDuckies

    When do they "grow up"?

    I have read in a few threads about duck and geese behaviors and "when they grow up" this changes or that changes...ducks and geese possibly get into everything, go wandering, no longer listen ect...I feel like I am talking about my children to be honest. They are 19 and 18 and I am STILL waiting...
  4. DoodlesDuckies

    lawn/grass cleaning question...

    I have 9 ducks and 2 geese fenced in an area about...well, I used 200 feet of fence and its in an oval. LOL! To control the poop mess I have been hosing down the piles daily on the grass with the thought of saving the grass somewhat. The poop literally soaks into the grass and its gone. (as I am...
  5. DoodlesDuckies

    Please help with goose breed and possible sex...

    I was wondering if someone could please help me figure out the breed and sex of these two...I got them 5 weeks ago at 1 week of age. They are a HOOT to say the least. One is bigger than the other and very loud (Eddie), the other is smaller and more quiet (Clark). Clark will come by me and even...
  6. DoodlesDuckies

    Why can't we all just get along?

    Morning. My 2 African goslings are 6ish weeks old and have been together but looking at my 9- 4 weeks old ducklings through a pen in the house and garage since I got them. I do put them together supervised when I am cleaning pens or put them outside ( I am in WI and it is cold yet...
  7. DoodlesDuckies

    What does your duck hut look like, inside and out??

    Good Morning. I am getting ready to transition the ducklings to the outdoors. Their hut is done but struggling on how to rock/plant around the hut and have things nice in their hut. Just looking for ideas. Around the actual hut will be fenced, which has to be figured out too. The final goal is...
  8. DoodlesDuckies

    Duckling Breed/Size

    Morning. I have 9 ducklings, 2 weeks old as of tomorrow/Sunday. They all seemed to be on the same page as far as size but now I am noticing some are a touch smaller in size. They are of different breeds...Rouen, Swedish, Cayuga, Appleyard and a white one Pekin? ...The Cayuga and Swedish seem a...
  9. DoodlesDuckies

    New Duck and Goose Mom!!

    Morning. I am a new duck and goose mom. I live in north central Wisconsin. I hatched out my duckling eggs 2 weeks ago. Started with 12 eggs- 1 was not fertile, 1 did not hatch properly (RIP) and 1 a tiny runt passed away at a week old. (RIP DW) So I have 9 wonderful, MESSY ducklings stinking up...
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