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  • Users: Chickie15
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Chickie15

    Are they shrink-wrapped? ~Pics~

    It's day 24 and I can still see them breathing. I'm beginning to wonder if they're shrink-wrapped though. Humidity's been at 65-69% for lockdown. And temp's steady at 99.7*F so I'm not sure why they aren't coming out. We have 9/24 out already which is actually pretty good considering the...
  2. Chickie15

    6 day old Olive Eggers- genders?

    Hi! I've been trying to determine which is which. There are only 2 and they're very different so we obviously have one of each (1 male, 1 female.) At first I thought the one on the left was the male and the right was the female but the one on the right is developing tail feathers much faster...
  3. Chickie15

    WTB Speckled Sussex and Buff/ GL Cochin Hatching Eggs

    I'm looking for some SS hatching eggs that I could HOPEFULLY have shipped around or on the 27th of the this month. Any suggestions would be appriciated! Thanks so much! Also anyone breeding Buff or Golden Laced Cochins? Ashley
  4. Chickie15

    Egg Eating Chicken

    I have (at least) one hen that eats eggs, the odd part is they get calcium (oyster shell) every day. I was just curious if it was possible for a hen to eat eggs for no reason. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! Chickie
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