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  • Users: dewey
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  1. dewey

    So in the middle of the night some random person wrote a message on my front door

    on the 'No Soliciting' sign. The sign's on the front door, put there in an attempt to try to somewhat curb the plethora of door-to-door soliciting during the usual hours. Sometime between 2-4 A.M. a person was creeping around the exterior of my house and wrote a note on the sign in ink pen...
  2. dewey

    DD has to have another emergency surgery

    She just celebrated her 21st birthday with a few more ER trips for a new health issue. Some of you may know from other posts that she's been in and out of the hospital with kidney issues and an emergency surgery to bridge it in order to save it, and a week long hospital stay due to that and the...
  3. dewey

    Gimme that Old-Time...

    ...home-remedy helps. I'm asking for ideas or things you know of because I want to possibly assist in helping clear up and easing the condition (and pain) of Pleurisy. I've been fairly ill for a while now, and the ER docs have me on the regular meds for a lung infection and pain and so forth...
  4. dewey

    DD saved by little rescued puppy

    DD was awakened to an oven fire by the little rescued pup. You think you are saving the little creatures, but then they save you.
  5. dewey

    Lookie! My homemade rolling kitchen-island

    I've been waiting quite a while for it! LOL (Made by S.O.) The pic is at a weird angle but it's really cute and sooo handy. The top is made from leftover plywood. I didn't want any shelves on it because it'd just collect stuff, oh, and be a dough-loving cat magnet when rolling out dough.
  6. dewey

    Sweetest little puppy on earth now has a badly broken leg

    Poor little innocent baby. She's the most gentle, loving, sweetest little puppy and weighs 4 pounds and is 5 months old now. She's had the best life ever since she was rescued literally out of trying to dodge traffic on a busy hot street as a starved, dehydrated, 5-6 week old baby, and we've...
  7. dewey

    A family member almost bitten by a rattler today

    We're so very thankful the rattler missed him, and so is he, to say the least. It happened this morning and he sent me the pic of snake. RIP snake. He walked up on it and didn't see it until he was too close to realize there was no getting away from it. I think this is the 4th or 5th one in...
  8. dewey

    So we've another stray or dumped dog...that's 2 within 3 months

    We had been trying to coax this poor little dog to us for a couple of weeks but she was too leery and wouldn't come near nor let anyone near her. Guess hunger finally won out over fear, and after a long coaxing session with food we were able to sneak a lead on her while she was distracted...
  9. dewey

    My DD's very ill, had emergency surgery, it's 5 days now in the hospital

    And they can't say yet when she might be well enough to come home. They did emergency surgery days ago to put in a kidney stint once they realized what was going on, and they've been pumping her full of antibiotics and all kinds of things because her system had become toxic due to the kidney...
  10. dewey

    So art Appliance Panel Covers for frig's & dishwashers (2 pics)

    Haha, I love the chicken wire in the dishwasher panel cover, and the hefty cows in the frig cover... Animal panel art gallery...
  11. dewey

    Daylight savings time confusion & smart phones :P

    ...confusion even when DST doesn't apply (AZ times never change.) My daughter was rushing to get ready for church sunday morning when I heard her telling her boyfriend not to worry because they'd still make it there in time even though it was already 10:30 AM. I told her it's only 9:30 and...
  12. dewey

    O-M-GOSH!! Can't believe it! We found my grandbaby's sweet kitty after 2 WEEKS lost!!!

    Just tonight, just right now! I found him tonight as we were walking up to check the mailbox, and we contacted my kids and they came right over to get him. Oh happy day!! It's really almost a miracle after even 1 night, but after 2 weeks with the coyotes and birds of prey, not even to mention...
  13. dewey

    I'm moving this week to a land "far, far away"...come with me :)

    It will moving at least "far away" from being able to have any livestock at my place (well, we'll see, haha) but will allow me to have an easier life with better day to day conveniences that I have sorely missed for quite some time and that most of us take for granted having. It's for the best...
  14. dewey

    Sure could use some good thoughts aimed this way

    There's been a lot going on for a while now, and today and tonight. My one sis is doing some better now, but my other sis was supposed to have heart surgery today. She was in the hospital all day today prepped but good news when they did the camera it turned out that open heart surgery was not...
  15. dewey

    Kidnapper fought off by 7 year old at Walmart (video)

    Thank goodness she is ok! They captured the guy.
  16. dewey

    This was my 4 A.M. LOL...babies rockin' to Johnny Cash (video)

    (Both babies are viewable if you double click on it to see it at youtube.)
  17. dewey

    Seriously craving a midnight snack!

    Rarely get cravings but a turkey sandwich sure sounds good right now...except there's no turkey in sight. I could run out to the store a few miles away but the last time I started to leave at this time of night (the night after new year's) I think I interrupted somebody breaking into my car...
  18. dewey

    What sewing machine should I get?

    Hi All, does anybody have experience with this particular sewing machine? (Brother 25-Stitch Free-Arm Sewing Machine XL-2600i) I'm looking for something lightweight, portable and...
  19. dewey

    My sister, the one I watch over, is ill

    They admitted her to the hospital earlier today and I can't stay with her overnight right now due to my own health issues. I've always stayed, always. So I've been holding down the fort and trying to mindlessly work and pass time online. Early tuesday morning after I checked her I got a coat...
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