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  • Users: amaliayosa
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  1. amaliayosa

    Sick gosling...please help

    Ordered 2 sebastopol goslings along with 14 ducks from Mcmurray . They arrived last week. One of the goslings could not stand, it was very weak as well. It died the next day. Now almost a week later the other gosling is no longer able to stand, it was active all along and now can only lay day...
  2. amaliayosa

    Goose has deformed legs

    Well 13 ducks arrived today from MM and 2 sebastapol geese. One goose is not doing well at all. Seems it is unable to walk, its feet are curled up, but when i straighten them they looks normal. I have been giving it water every 1/2 hour with a dropper and also gave it some baby vitamins. They...
  3. amaliayosa

    My Alpine has loose droppings

    Hello everyone, I have a question/concern about my alpine doe. She has had droppings the consistency of dog poop for a few weeks now. I am a first time goat owner and learning as I go along. It started when she was in her final week of pregnancy, and continuing on now that she is a week post...
  4. amaliayosa

    something attacked my duck! HELP

    Yesterday we noticed 2 of our ducks were missing, one of the missing ducks showed up swimming along side our other 4, and seemed fine. Well this afternoon I noticed she was laying around allot, not following the others. I picked her up and examined her and she has two, wounds, one under her...
  5. amaliayosa

    When can they free range?

    Hello everyone I have a question about free ranging our chickens. They are 2 months old now and happy out in their coop. We will be free ranging them and I was wondering at what edge can I let them loose? They are pretty big. Anyone?
  6. amaliayosa

    Day old chicks eyes swollen shut

    One of our day old chicks has both of its eyes swollen shut, one worse then the other. I dabbed a q-tip with warm water and it managed to open one eye, but the other is pretty swollen. Can I put antibiotic ointment on its eyes?
  7. amaliayosa

    My Ideal chickie babies are here!

    They were hatched yesterday and wernt supposed to be here until Friday or Saturday. I ran around in a panic trying to throw two brooders together (for ducklings and chicks) They are all doing really well.
  8. amaliayosa

    Ducklings and chicks together

    Hello everyone, I have 15 chicks and 6 ducklings arriving Friday and was wondering if I could put them all in the same brooder? At least for the first few days to a week. Thanks
  9. amaliayosa

    Out to the coop!

    Moved all 20 chicks out two days ago. They are 5 weeks old now.
  10. amaliayosa

    Out to the coop

    Ok guys I need you to critique my coop. My chicks will be 5 weeks old on Saturday. They have been in the brooder in my bathroom, but were getting WAY too smelly and crammed in there. We moved them out to the coop today. Daytime tems are in the upper 60's and nightime in the 40's. There are 20...
  11. amaliayosa


    I have a question regarding fencing. We plan to free range our chickens when they are older. Right now they are a month old, and we will be moving them out to the coop tomorrow, under a heat lamp. I would like to let them out for short periods during the day, and also like to have a fenced area...
  12. amaliayosa

    HELP...Quail feather picking!

    I noticed three out of 8 of my quail are missing their chest and neck feathers. How do I stop this behavior? I am moving them out of their rubbermaid brooder into a cage today. What else can I do? Thanks Amy
  13. amaliayosa

    My Chick clucked for the first time!

    Yes, I am a proud mama lol. My little barred rock was roosting on my arm, I started feeding her some crumble and she began clucking. It was so cute! Just had to share
  14. amaliayosa

    I think i've identified the roo!

    Ok. tell me if this lines up. This one chick (buff orp) is slightly larger than the others, larger beak, and comb, less feathers than the others including wing and tail feathers. Could this be the roo? Any other signs to look for? Thanks Amy
  15. amaliayosa

    About to order ducks... a few questions

    Hey I have a few questions re: ducks. Is it best to order sexed ducks or straight run? Should there be a ratio of male to female? Thanks Amy
  16. amaliayosa

    Looking for a jersey heifer/Mini jersey East coast

    Hello, we are looking for a jersey heifer for our family homestead. We are willing to travel up to 10 hours to pick her up. Anyone?
  17. amaliayosa

    What kind of chick is this?

    I thought this was a silver laced wyandotte, but it doesnt look like some other pics i've seen of others. Its legs are grey.
  18. amaliayosa

    Letting the chicks outside

    Hello everyone, I have a quick question. It is supposed to be in the 70's here Friday (YAY) I was thinking about letting the chicks out for about half hour in the sun. Their brooder is 82 right now. Think that would be ok?
  19. amaliayosa

    Housing for ducks

    We have 15 ducks coming in May, and was just wondering if we need to provide them with a shelter? I would like to keep them as safe as possible from predators, we have quite a few around here. We do have a smal pond in our yard. Any tips?
  20. amaliayosa

    Anyone have experience with angora goats?

    We are getting 3 of them in April. I am totally new to goats but trying to learn as much as I can before I go get them. Any helpful websites? Books? Tips? Thanks Amy
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