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  1. Skyesrocket

    Teeny Doeling

    Lolly, a first time freshener, had twins on Friday. The doeling is the smallest that has been born here and is just a baby doll. It has been really cold here at night so I decided to bring her inside and bottle feed her. I left the buckling with momma and both are doing great. Today I took the...
  2. Skyesrocket

    Patches had her piglets!

    My 4 year old miniature mulefoot had 8 piglets born yesterday! (Leap Year) She is such a good momma. She is really calm and let me sit with the babies while she was eating. When she was finished she layed down next to them and nursed.
  3. Skyesrocket

    Colt with exercise ball. Must see!

    Are your horses getting enough exercise? Check this out!
  4. Skyesrocket

    Will teeth every go back to natural coloring again?

    I was watching American Idol tonight and at one point the camera caught the three judges smilig at the same time. Their teeth looked so unnaturally bright white that it got me to wondering.... Is this the way it will always be or is this too a fad? I know it has been going on for sometime...
  5. Skyesrocket


    Here is a picture of Nutty Meg's piglets the day they were born. She had six! I need to take better pictures. They are a week old now and running all over their pen. They were going underneath the stall door and looking around. Momma had a fit. So we blocked the door off. Sadly, momma layed on...
  6. Skyesrocket

    My new kids!

    Here are the babies that were born on Dec 18th and the little doeling, Noel, that was born on Christmas Eve. They were outside enjoying the sun. Winter is returning tomorrow so I let everyone out to get some grass. Mom is to go back in for a nap. They love to play on the...
  7. Skyesrocket

    Barn Rat

    My husband raises rats for his pythons. During the summer we move them to a big rabbit hutch inside of the barn. We have it set up with wooden boxes with holes and ramps for them to play on. Anyway a couple of days ago I was milking the goat and one of the large black and white rats went...
  8. Skyesrocket

    The city people are coming!

    Help, the city people are coming! Once a year we throw a big Fourth of July party. People bring tents and camp out at the farm. We do it up right. Cook twice on party day and them a big country breakfast the next morning. Fireworks, pool for the kids. Games, prizes, horseback riding...yada...
  9. Skyesrocket

    Is this a joke?

    I think it has to be.
  10. Skyesrocket

    Piggles is in labor

    Now the waiting game begins....Piggles, my pot bellied, is in beginning labor. She hasn't eaten all day even though she has a bowl of food sitting by her. She is drinking water. She is having light contractions, but isn't bearing down. I leave my barn gate open and the pigs come and go all...
  11. Skyesrocket

    My two new pigs

    [/img] I'm picking these two up on Sunday. They are 6-8 months old. I have my pots and love them but I have been looking for a few big pigs just because I'm nuts about big pigs. These are pets and I hope they will stay that way. If so they can hang out with the pots, once they get used to our...
  12. Skyesrocket

    Alpaca prices drop

    Wow, I was at a small animal auction last night and couldn't believe what female alpacas were selling for. There were 5 beautiful, healthy looking females that we exposed to males selling for $150-$220. All different colors. Aged 14 months to 4 years old. I have seen males selling for $100...
  13. Skyesrocket

    Identify these please. Pics

    [/img]Hi All, I picked up some eggs at an auction and this is what hatched out. One duckling and 2 goslings. What are they? Thanks! [/img]
  14. Skyesrocket

    Poor pup. grrrr

    This was posted on craigslist today I have a 5 month old beagle puppy that just wont stop barking. If someone if around her she is fine but we recently moved her outside in a cage and is not around people. People are suggesting to the poster to use a shock collar. That poor pup. All it...
  15. Skyesrocket

    Goat opinion wanted.

    [/img] This is a 7 month old doe. According to the ad, "she is small because the other goats pushed her around". What do you think? Does she look like a dwarf? I would buy her if I thought she was a dwarf. Not for breeding, just because I like animals that are a little different. She...
  16. Skyesrocket

    My Old Gal passed last night. Pot Bellied

    Quimby died in her sleep last night. She was my first potbellied and the one that made me fall in love with pots. Quims was 10 years old. She was the housekeeper for the other pots. She would carry straw around in her mouth and make the bed just right for her and the others. Then she would fuss...
  17. Skyesrocket

    Are your critters getting bouncy?

    Has anyone else noticed their animals bouncing around now that the temps are dropping? Mine started this past weekend. My older nubian doe has been kicking up her heels, and she looks pretty silly doing it because she is so big. Our young nubian buck sees her doing it and he launches himself...
  18. Skyesrocket

    Orphaned Opossum

    I remember reading posts in here from people that have raised orphaned possums. I can use your help. Someone brought me a 5 1/2 inch (from nose to butt) male possum. They said mom was on the road dead and this little guy was on the road next to her. I have been doing some research online...
  19. Skyesrocket

    Low humidity under broody hens?

    Four of my silkie hens went broody together on 20 eggs. They had seperate nests but I suspect that they were stealing eggs back and forth from each other. Anyway the first egg pipped yesterday and when I checked it this morning it was dead inside of the shell. The membrane had dried up. One...
  20. Skyesrocket

    How are everyones pots (piggies) doing?

    Just checking in with the pot people. Haven't heard any piggy stories lately. I have 3 older pots and ended up getting two more babies this spring. They were inside for the first 4 weeks and then I moved them to the barn. They have the run of the place and keep themselves busy. I have such...
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