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  • Users: Stacykins
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  1. Stacykins

    Loner Rooster

    I have two roosters. An older lavender Araucana and a younger black Araucana. They've never fought, and seem to both give girls 'attention'. The Lavender has exciled himself for the past week each day. The others go one direction with the younger boy to free range, and he spends the day alone...
  2. Stacykins

    Managing Color Bleed

    With my Araucana I've had issues with color bleed in roosters. I've gotten some nice birds from other breeders, only to have them pop all these red feathers as they reach maturity. Frustrating, to say the least. How well do hens hide bleed? It seems even with related birds, the females are...
  3. Stacykins

    Purebred Araucana Hen

    I have one purebred white Araucana hen available. She hatched Spring 2015, and came from the breeder Jamie Watters. Alas, I was supposed to get hatching eggs from the breeder's splash pen, but all birds hatched out start white and never did develop any splashes. I assume there was a mix up with...
  4. Stacykins

    Severe Stunting - Pictures

    On 5/13 I had six Araucanas hatch. One hatched a few hours later than the others, but did so unassisted. Appeared normal, just a bit slower to hatch out. But the chick did not eat on its own, while the others ate with gusto. It only ate moistened chick starter with assistance. So I've helped...
  5. Stacykins

    Pricing Local Hatching Eggs

    Just asking ya'll what you'd price hatching eggs that are sold locally. When I sell online, I let eBay determine the price. With locally sold eggs, I can't exactly let an auction determine price. I have to set a price. I'd use craigslist as a judge, but there is nobody selling hatching eggs...
  6. Stacykins

    Araucana eBay Listing With STOLEN Photos

    Anyone who is interested in Araucanas needs to know that there is currently a listing on eBay that is using my stolen photos. The instant a person takes a picture, the image is their property. So all these pictures everyone is posting to BYC? Those are your property if you took them, and nobody...
  7. Stacykins

    Norwegian Jaerhon x Barred Rock

    Hallo! I know the only true answer to this question is "wait and see!" but I am curious to know if anyone might know what cross of Norwegian Jaerhons and a Barred Rock rooster might look like? I popped some eggs in my incubator, and they're definitely developing. I've used the chicken genetics...
  8. Stacykins

    Rattling Brinsea

    I just dusted off my Brinsea Eco 20 after a few months of not using it. And it certainly is making an awful racket. At first I thought a bit of old shell was caught up in the fan. But I took it apart all the way, cleaned it out very well, made sure no wires had come loose inside, and put it back...
  9. Stacykins

    Spool Table/Bookshelf

    I acquired a perfect wooden spool recently. Too perfect for a goat toy. I have a few others for the goats, so they will not be without! Anyway, this will become a tableshelf. Because my room is carpeted, I won't add castors. But I am having a hard time deciding whether to stain it, it paint it...
  10. Stacykins

    Weak Poults

    Go figure that three poults I got from a Porter's assortment are three I definitely want to keep are probably going to die. The poults arrived on Friday. I dipped beaks, taught them how to eat, and observed them drinking. Most look great! Except for three, a self buff, a regal red, and a...
  11. Stacykins

    Great Grey?

    I have no front pictures of this beautiful bird whose picture I captured, so identification could be a little difficult. But to me, it doesn't look like a Great Horned Owl, to me, it looks like a Great Grey. What do you think? Two nights ago a cockerel was killed. My cockerel pen isn't...
  12. Stacykins

    Turkey Hen Versus Chicken w/Chicks

    My chickens and three turkeys all free range together. I did have a hen with little chicks I'd been keeping separate in a little coop/tractor until they grew a little. The chick coop is right next to the main one that the flock gets released from everyday. Today, I let the mother hen and her...
  13. Stacykins

    Overaggressive Drake

    I know what a drake's job is. It is to make more ducks, and in a very vigorous manner. I get that, they're quite amorous. I have a little group of Magpie ducks. One drake and his harem of three. Those three adult Magpies are not over bred, losing their neck feathers, etc. I brought in a bit...
  14. Stacykins

    Flystrike-Lower Back

    I've normally associated flystrike as an ailment that happens around poultry's vent. I know if feces dirty the feathers and attract flies that lay eggs there, it can lead to flystrike. In sheep, it happens if stool dirties the fiber in the area, too. However, tonight I discovered a patch of...
  15. Stacykins

    Sex the Turkeys

    I am under the assumption these three turkeys are hens. On a facebook group though, at least one person was skeptical they were female. To me, they look female. They have tiny snoods, do not strut, and only make the 'yelp' noise. Perhaps the eyes here are better than mine. What does everyone...
  16. Stacykins

    Porter's Assortment

    Through the search feature I haven't found testimonials on anyone who has ordered assorted turkeys from Porter's Rare Heritage Turkeys. They're offering end of season assortments quite inexpensively. I'd keep a few of the poults and sell the rest locally, since I know a few folks who would be...
  17. Stacykins

    Three Hens

    I purchased some Sweetgrass turkey hatching eggs this year from a seller who packaged them so poorly that I am surprised any made it through the postal system. Eggs were smashed, smelly, and disgusting. Nonetheless, three managed to hatch from the few that were not broken. I was a little put out...
  18. Stacykins

    Three Hens Raising Six Chicks

    So I've got three hens who are playing mother to six chicks. They don't have two each, instead, they just kind of mass together. Sometimes a hen has all of them, sometimes a few, or none of them. The chicks are doing well. It is just rather, unusual. I had three broodies, and when chicks...
  19. Stacykins

    Barred Rock Butcher Age

    So I got some extra males as wamrth packing peanuts with an order I got from Ideal Hatchery. They're barred rocks! At what age do you think they'll have a decent enough carcass to process? At least I wasn't sent a scrawny breed to fill the box, like leghorns!
  20. Stacykins

    Duck Hatching Eggs Not Popular?

    So I've been roaming the eBay hatching eggs section, and am noting that auctions with duck hatching eggs are either not selling or selling incredibly low. I bookmarked an auction with some very nice Ancona duck hatching eggs, forgot about it, and saw that it ended for $2.50, plus $15 for...
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