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  • Users: balticbabe
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  1. balticbabe

    Any idea who did this?

    Who crawled into the hen house, took a hen and left the wings behind? I have had my four hens for seven years now without any predator attacks. I live in town, in a subdivision with an undeveloped wooded 5 acre lot behind my fence. I have never seen any animal in my yard other than a squirrel...
  2. balticbabe

    Need to get my frugal on

    Can anyone recommend a book or website that can help motivate me to save money? When I google frugal living or something similar I find advice on how to reduce spending. I know how, I just don't want to. Well I want to but I need some motivation.
  3. balticbabe

    Please stay home when sick

    I know you've heard it before but stay home when you're sick. I just got off the phone with a friend who is in the hospitable. She started a new job last Monday where nearly everyone was coughing and by Thursday she was admitted to the hospitable on suspicion of swine flu. Now five days later...
  4. balticbabe

    Dehydrating eggs

    Has anyone ever tried dehydrating egg? Right now I’m dehydrating fruit with the machine I got last Christmas. I’ve seen powdered egg whites for sale in the store but not yolks. Is that because yolks don’t keep well? Do I need to separate the eggs 1st, or can they be dehydrated whole? I like to...
  5. balticbabe

    Pawn Shops

    Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? A friend of mine who lives beyond his means pawned a bunch of stuff when he was laid off. When he was back to work he went to pick up some stuff but was a bit short and the owner told him no problem, he could renew the loans on everything except...
  6. balticbabe

    Beer? Vodka? Molasses? Water additives to keep water from freezing.

    Any ideas on what I can add to the water to keep it from freezing? I've been switching out waterers but I need to leave town for a couple of days. It rarely freezes here so the feed stores don't carry products to keep the water in a drinkable state. I know chickens don't like salt water but what...
  7. balticbabe

    Local columnist gives chicken advice

    Not sure if chickens are everywhere now or if I just perk up at the mention of a chciken. Today I came across this in today's Seattle Weekly. Dear Uptight Seattleite, Neighborhood guidelines require that my neighbors sign a consent form before I'm allowed to keep chickens in my backyard...
  8. balticbabe

    Please post your dressed weight stats

    My SO harvested our two boys Monday. Their crowing was driving me crazy and any complaints would mean the whole flock would have to go. Now that they are gone I miss them. I know they would have eaten me if given the chance, I could tell by the way they looked at me, so I’m trying not to feel...
  9. balticbabe

    Free Chicken Scratch, King County WA

    I just opened a 50lb bag of PMI Nutrition's scratch grains and realized there is no way I can use it all before it goes bad. If anyone wants 10-15lbs let me know. I'm in Duvall WA or you can pickup at my work in Bellevue WA.
  10. balticbabe

    Roaster vs. vs. Rooster vs. Stewer

    At what age is a chicken considered a stewing hen or a rooster? I found this article that says they are roasters up to 8 months. So after that are they stewers? Does a rooster cook up much different than a stewing hen?
  11. balticbabe

    The cat ate my chick's feed

    When feeding the flock I left the bag open behind me. When I turned around one of the cats had his head in the bag chowing down. He wouldn’t stop eating until I got within arms length. I don’t know what he was thinking. He obviously didn’t read the ingredients list. Must have looked at the...
  12. balticbabe

    Chicken Survey Final results

    Reading about the problems people have with their local governments regarding chicken keeping has got me wondering if the anti-chicken folks tend to live in a certain part of the country or in certain size towns. Maybe it’s just a random problem. To find out I created this short survey which is...
  13. balticbabe

    Speak crow? My chickens do.

    The last couple of days there have been a group of crows in the neighbor’s trees. The crows fight and squawk constantly. Every once in awhile they make a squawk that sends all the chickens running under the coop. It’s rather funny. There isn’t any danger that I can see. I think the crows are...
  14. balticbabe

    Unkown banty Updated, had an egg!

    I purchased three favorelles from a local feed store and one of them turned out looking like this. It took me a few days to realize she was different. She was the same size as the others when I brought her home. She was the first to feather out so I'm guessing she's about 8-9 weeks old in...
  15. balticbabe

    What to feed for tasty eggs?

    Somewhere I saw an ad for “the best tasting eggs, guaranteed!” I only saw the ad once, I think while visiting my parents, so it may be a local farm. I’m curious what they feed to get eggs so tasty they can guarantee them. Any ideas?
  16. balticbabe

    What breed am I? Updated photos

    I picked up a few chicks at the feed store. Three of them are supposed to be Salmon Faverolles. Once I got them home I noticed that one of the chicks from the Faverolles bin doesn't have feathers on her feet and her wing is pure white. She is also a bit smaller and not quite as yellow and has...
  17. balticbabe

    When should I buy?

    Hello everyone. This is the year I decided that we would finally get some chickens. We’ve been planning on doing so for years. I’ve heard that you need to get the chicks by mid-April but not sure why. Is it the weather or the length of day light? Getting them that soon doesn’t seem doable. I’ve...
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