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  • Users: bzbrown
  • Content: Threads
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  1. bzbrown

    Two Silkies and a Rhode Island Red..Roo or Pullet?

    These are my husband's chickens. I told him he could get two. As you can see he has math issues. I also had preferred to get sexed chickens so we didn't have to play the waiting game. He went straight to the nearest feed store and brought these 3 home. They are about 4.5 months old now, we've...
  2. bzbrown

    I need help ASAP!

    Our eggs finally pipped last night! Today was my first day at my new job so I had to leave this morning. My husband was home when the first chick finally came through it's shell completely. At the time I can not say how many other eggs were pipped, but I know at least one other one had pipped...
  3. bzbrown

    Electronic sound of chirping to help hatching?

    Let me start by saying that I have one tough as nails husband. This guy is a Marine with over 20 years in the service. He can stop you in your tracks with one look. Seriously I've seen Marines scramble out of the way when the husband is headed in their direction. That said. I found this man...
  4. bzbrown

    Trader Joe Eggs. 9 of 11 viable!

    We've got blood rings and veining happening in our TJ eggs! This is our second batch of TJ eggs, the first had 2 that quit a couple days ago. This is a whole new batch, and we're very excited. Also have 4 local BYC'er eggs in lock down!! All showed movement yesterday. Going to be busy around here!
  5. bzbrown

    OH WOW! Trader Joe eggs, need advice!!!!!

    I have four eggs set from a local byc'er that are developing nicely. Last week (the 16th) I bought some Trader Joe eggs. They were 10 days old at the time (newest in the store). I put 10 in my new homemade incubator, and 2 in my trusty proven homemade incubator. I candle often, and NOTHING...
  6. bzbrown

    She wasn't really in need of an accessory.

    My bigger and sweeter hen was not as friendly about a scarf as I thought she'd be. The other hen wanted nothing to do with me this morning. She usually hides if she see's me with my camera. I suspect after this morning my big hen will also feel this way about "mom and that camera"..... I...
  7. bzbrown

    Finally two eggs! Now if big sister can teach little sister...

    WHAT THE NEST BOX IS FOR! Silly girl. I recently added about 4 inches pine shaving to the bottom of the coop (small coop, no poop boards etc). It seems the smaller hen has found her laying powers, but heck, the floor is just as comfy as that nest box now. So why not right? Problem is eggs...
  8. bzbrown

    Pipped, zipped, progress over 12 hours (hatched!) ok?

    The biggest issue here is that I am impatient, and this little guy is in no hurry. That said, these pics were taken about 12 hours apart. He seems to nap in between rocking and rolling. Then wakes up chirps like a wild chicken does a little work and back to sleeping. Whats the opinion on the...
  9. bzbrown

    Pipped in middle of egg?

    I don't know if I need to help him yet. We just discovered his little beak working through the egg, but right in the middle of it. Advice?
  10. bzbrown

    Difference in development in eggs, and no movements.

    I've got two eggs in my homemade still air bator. Eggs came from a local BYC'r not shipped. Today is day 17. One egg is very full with exception of the air sac. The other egg resembles an egg (based on candle pics from the site) around day 14 or 15. Both were active and moving yesterday...
  11. bzbrown


    We're so excited this morning! We candled our eggs and out of the 4 set, we saw two little heartbeats! I didn't have luck with shipped eggs but found a local BYC'r on this board willing to part with a few eggs, and more than happy to keep any successful hatches. Yay! We still have a bit to go...
  12. bzbrown


    Last night one of my dogs emptied her entire food bowl into her water bowl (we feed dogs indoors). To avoid her tipping the food filled water bowl on my floor (I knew this was coming next) I took it outside and tossed it by the back fence. I even thought to myself, the mice will get it tonight...
  13. bzbrown


    Whoops, posted in wrong area. Moving to preditors and pest..
  14. bzbrown

    Day 20..

    I don't think it's going to happen for me. Shipped eggs, started with 12 but reduced down to 3 last week as some had clearly not developed. My incubator (made by me) had a couple questionable moments (the kind of moments you question your husband or kid asking whom opened it lol)... I'm still...
  15. bzbrown

    Cody, Wyoming?

    Kind of a weird post, but I've been reading tons through Incubating/Hatching section and I recall seeing someone was from Cody Wyoming. I don't remember which thread or anything, and am hoping whomever is from that location can send me a Message? We're looking to relocate very soon to the...
  16. bzbrown

    Take out the eggs that didn't progress?

    Day 15. Shipped eggs. Candled yesterday, very obvious lack of development in a few, like totally see through. We left them in overnight so we could research a bit more but I'm thinking the ones I know 100% are not gonna hatch can go out now right? I read a lot of post where some leave eggs in...
  17. bzbrown

    102 degrees?

    Maintained temp until I put the eggs in at the wee hours of this morning. Now the temp has stayed steady at 102 degrees (36 humidity). Is this gonna work, or do I need to figure out a way to drop the temp a couple degree's. Oh, this is a very simple homemade incubator.
  18. bzbrown

    Oddest place you found an egg?

    Just curious. I found my 3rd egg today. It was located above the tilapia tank in the planter box (no soil just clay and water) where they had just the day before decided to eat all my fresh seedlings we just started. (We're trying aquaponics out). I saw it today and couldn't help but giggle...
  19. bzbrown

    Got my first egg today, and then..

    First egg found this morning IN the coop, but not in the nesting box (they don't like sleeping in it, but rather on top lol). This evening when locking up the coop (located in enclosed run) I found a second egg at the door to the run, almost stepped on it, and was still wearing my softball...
  20. bzbrown

    I can make room for chicks if need be. (eggs ordered)

    I asked ya'll yesterday whatcha do with the chicks when they hatch. I went out in the back yard today and looked at all the extra building wood I have, and the link I got for great priced hardware from this site and came to the conclusion. I can build another coop if need be, I can not keep...
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