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  1. bassfishrman

    why have my chickens quit laying

    I have 14 laying hens from 1 year to 2 years old. In the fall I was getting 10-12 per day. Production went down when the winter came. As winter ended production went back to 10 per day average. Now that it is spring and 75 degrees during the day, I am only getting 2-3 per day. Most of my...
  2. bassfishrman

    what type of grass to plant for goat pasture?

    I live in south Alabama and would like to know what others plant for the warm season pasture for goats. I will be planting a small area for 2 goats (approximately 1/2 acre). Currently, I have wheat and rye mixture from the winter planted. Any suggestions?
  3. bassfishrman

    what product do you use to worm your chickens?

    Interested to know what others use to prevent/kill worms in poultry. I have been using food grade DE mixed with their lay pellets.
  4. bassfishrman

    new goat owner questions

    I just brought home 2 new goats. One is a 9 week old female. Question: When will she begin to eat goat pellets? All she will eat is fresh hay and collard greens from my garden. The other is an adult female nubian. She will not eat the goat pellets either. All she will eat is fresh hay and...
  5. bassfishrman

    Can goats have molasses?

    I can get 12% Allstock from our local co-op for half the price of the 16% at the feed store, but the allstock has molasses in it. Will this hurt my goats?
  6. bassfishrman

    what to feed 6 week old kid

    I am getting a 6 week old kid from a friend. I was going to leave it with its mother to be weaned, but have decided to go ahead and get it so it can be bottle fed and bond with our family at a younger age. What do I feed it? How much? How many times a day? Can it be fed regular goat pettets...
  7. bassfishrman

    where do goats sleep???

    I am getting goats next week and have closed in part of my barn for them to have a large stall to themselves. Here are my questions? Do goats sleep on the ground or should i build them some sort of wood decking in the stall? If I use old hay that may have a little mold in it for the floor of...
  8. bassfishrman

    basic goat question for "about to be new owner"

    I am looking into getting goats for our family. I have a friend who is willing to give me 2 adult wethers. Will it be OK in the future to add does with them or will the female, when she is in heat, "make" the wethers become agressive? I can't have agressive goats due to small children.
  9. bassfishrman

    Goat on the way...first time owner needs advice

    I will be getting my first goat in 3 weeks. It is a Dwarf Nigerian kid that is 3 months old (female). Here are my questions: I understand I need more than 1 goat. Can I buy any other type/age goat and put with this one? The one I am getting did not have its horns removed. Will this be a...
  10. bassfishrman

    Which breed is the "most broody"?

    I have 23 laying hens and only one ever wants to "set". Most of them are RIR's and will never set. I would like to have a large breed that will set. What should I get? I have 16 RIR 2 Ameraucanas 5 Black Stars
  11. bassfishrman

    WANTED: Im in Mobile, Alabama...need baby chicks....prefer

    I prefer good egg laying breeds that lay brown or green/blue eggs (RIR, Sex Links, Easter Eggers). Willing to drive an hour or so to purchase them
  12. bassfishrman

    Does anyone know where I can get baby chicks before Christmas??

    All online hatcheries seem to be only taking orders for the spring. I placed an order with welp hatchery the first week of Nov. with delivery set for the next week. They called and said my chicks were delayed and would be shipped today. They just called again and said it would be Dec. 29th...
  13. bassfishrman

    Egg production cut by 75%...what's the problem?

    I have 22 laying hens. Only 3 are old enough to molt. The rest are only 10 months old. A month ago, I was averaging 16-18 eggs per day. For the last 4 weeks, I have only averaged 4 per day. The temperatures have only been near freezing twice, so I don't think it is the cold weather...
  14. bassfishrman

    Free Range Supplement Question??

    I have 25 adult chickens...mostly RIRs. They free range 3 acres all day. Is it necessary that I feed them lay pellets also? I have the pellets readily available free choice when they want it and they currently eat 100 lbs per month. Question: Is it necessary to have feed available for free...
  15. bassfishrman

    small bugs swarming my chickens? What are they?

    for the past few weeks I have had some small bugs the size of gnats (but definitely not gnats) that continually swarm around the heads of my flock. It seems to drive them crazy. I have dusted with DE and sprayed the entire coop and surrounding area with Pemerthin. It hasn't phased the little...
  16. bassfishrman

    Are eggs safe to eat after spraying with permerthin?

    I have a mite problem in my coop and intend to spray with 10% permerthin at 1oz per gallon of water. Will my eggs be safe to eat after I spray my chickens and coop area? Any tips on spraying the chickens (do's and don'ts) is appreciated.
  17. bassfishrman

    help! my newly hatched chicks are being killed by my older chickens

    I had a hen that hatched 4 chicks yesterday. Today I went out to check on them and there were only 2. I waited around in the coop for a few minutes to see what might have happened to the 2 that were missing. While watching, several of my 6 month old RIR hens went up to the momma hen while...
  18. bassfishrman

    Where can I buy Diatomaceous Earth Locally?

    Does anyone know if any of the larger chain stores sell DE locally? I need to buy more of this product, but just can't justify paying $36 shipping when the product only costs $33 for 50#
  19. bassfishrman

    feathers on hens back are missing??

    The feathers on the back of one of my auracanas is missing. She has a bald spot right where her back feathers meet her tail feathers. Is there anything wrong with her? I thought it might be where my rooster mounts her with his feet, but none of my other hens look like this.
  20. bassfishrman

    shoot in head to kill rather than axe method?

    has anyone ever shot their chickens before processing? I can't bring myself to use the axe method, but am a pretty good shot with a firearm. I figure I can make a clean head shot and then cut the head off for bleeding them out. Thoughts?
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