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  • Users: cthrash1
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  1. cthrash1

    Can BBR OEGBs be sexed as day olds? (pics incl)

    The chick in question is the BBR on left...The little black chick is a Bantam Cochin/Standard Ameraucana cross
  2. cthrash1

    Frizzle: 4 1/2 months any guess what gender?

    Actually closer to 19 weeks old male or female?
  3. cthrash1

    Buff Orpingtons

    the following Buff Orps are a week shy of 4 months old. I know for sure the one next to the wall is a girl, pretty sure the one on the outside is a girl, and the one in the middle may be also as it was slow to develop and it's comb, face, wattles are paler right now than the othe two because of...
  4. cthrash1

    Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel wanted

    Not Blue Wheaten. Not mix(EE). I want a pure wheaten for a reason. Am wanting to replace my Wellie roo(being he is the only Wellie in the whole flock) but the newbie has to be the same color. So with a wheaten Am roo over my girls, that will give me Ams, EE, & olive eggers as the offspring. I...
  5. cthrash1

    Gave my broody a chick(UPDATE PICS ADDED)

    Wish it luck!!! My Ameraucana has been broody over 3 weeks and last week I had to remove her 6 eggs because she abandoned them for a better looking nest of freshly laid eggs. They were completely cold but I saw movement so put them in the bator. So these 6 have started to hatch this morning... I...
  6. cthrash1

    Accepted that quick?!!

    I brought home a pretty little silver colored game hen on Saturday. Put her in the coop outside the run to keep her separate for quarantine. Everything is fine til I go to lock up Wednesday and couldn't find her... Thought maybe she perched in a tree. So went in the run to lock up the main coop...
  7. cthrash1

    HELP PLEASE!!! Amputate??? Pic incl...

    This baby is 3 days old and I was out of town when it hatched. Daughter brought it in with the rest of the ones in the brooder because two mommas were fighting over them and had already killed two. It's leg goes back and when I put it under the right way it just goes back again when the baby...
  8. cthrash1

    Well, here's how it goes...

    I go let the kids out this morning and for the first time in the last week my Java leaves her nest. She has one lavender Cochin bantam pip and another that apparently she felt the need to help. The shell and outer membrane at the large end was all chipped off but the chick hadn't broke through...
  9. cthrash1

    NO!! Andalusians aren't a broody breed!!

    Please, just to make me happy, tell me my Andalusian is just taking a long time to lay her egg and her growling at everyone who comes near is just because she doesn't want to be disturbed! These aren't supposed to be a broody breed so hopefully she is just being a copycat for a day just to see...
  10. cthrash1

    SEBRIGHTMOM this ones for you(super pic heavy)E-one else can look too!

    I numbered them for you... And I pretty much got all of them at one point or another. It wasn't easy, as they are VERY busy babies. 3 of them have combs and 5 don't so far. The Barred Cochin bantam boy is the survivor of the 6 eggs I got from someone in Georgia that were brooded with your Marans...
  11. cthrash1

    Some of my chickens

    I think a good mix of breeds is soooo pretty against nice green Spring grass...
  12. cthrash1

    Need pics please 6-8 wk various marans

    I need pictures to Compare my babies to of male and female black copper marans, blue copper marans, and wheaten marans. Tried to find some through the search and that didn't do anything but give me page after page to have to go through with no results. So please if anyone has pics at this age...
  13. cthrash1

    HELP! Welsummer specialists, I really need help

    The following are pictures of two Welsummers the same age... I will post a pic of each and then one together. For a long time we thought they were a pair but now we're thinking the smaller one is just an EXTREMELY slow developing male. Please I need opinions on the smaller one as to whether it...
  14. cthrash1

    Ever seen a broody rooster?

    Well you won't see one here.... He was just being too stubborn to get up on the perch cause I was still in the coop... I thought this was cute though!
  15. cthrash1

    My chicken eating chickens!!!

    Enjoying their smorgasbord of fried Okra, Wild Rice Pilaf, and boneless chicken wings... Not right but they love it!!! And yep the babies like it too...
  16. cthrash1

    Lets play guess that gender!!! Just for fun... Pic heavy

    4 wk old Black and Blue Copper Marans... The first 3 contestants were all pretty much the same brownish color as newbies the first is feathering out with solid color feathers and the other two have some barring type of design showing so one of those, which are all three Blue Coppers, I am...
  17. cthrash1

    Stove top eggs

    This is as easy as they come. First, in skillet, add a little olive oil then you fry up crumbled sausage or whatever meat you like. We use whatever we have on hand, may be breakfast meats or lunch meats. Toss in whatever veggies you like. Cook til tender. Lower heat... We use fresh spinach...
  18. cthrash1

    Wheaten Maran, whatcha think?

    It is 3 wks old today... I'm thinking girly. What do you all think?
  19. cthrash1

    Marans experts help...How to choose?

    I have almost 2 week old blue copper and black copper Marans chicks. I can only have one rooster for my flock protector... If I end up with a male from each color which color should I choose if I want to sell just enough eggs to pay for my feed? I mean do folks prefer one color over the other? I...
  20. cthrash1

    Can a pullet have two moults back to back?

    I have a blue Andalusian that was thrown into a moult right after I got her. She feathered back out beautifully and now she has pin feathers growing on her head again. Yet her face is starting to redden.
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