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  1. beehappy4ever

    Dewlap Talouse or Sebastapol Gosling?

    Due to an egg mishap by my husband not marking eggs I am not sure is these dark goslings are dewlaps or Sebbies. I have grey dewlap talouse in one pen and two white Sebbie girls covered by a white boy and a blue boy (the blue is the dominate one). I didn't think my dewlaps were fertile because...
  2. beehappy4ever

    Black Copper Marans Hen with possible resporatory infection

    I have a black copper marans hen with what I believe is a respiratory issue. She is about a year old although I did not raise her as a chick but got her from a breeder and was told she is a year. I have had her a couple weeks. She has been in a pen with 2 other hens I bought her with and a BCM...
  3. beehappy4ever

    Help for a somewhat newbie

    Hello, So I am not entirely new to hatching have hatched about 40 chicks but I have a set in lockdown right now that are shipped buff orpington eggs. 10 went into lockdown which was amazing for 13 shipped eggs. The very first egg to pip externally did so over 24 hours ago. I expected an external...
  4. beehappy4ever

    Just Hatched Chick - How do you know when to cull

    Hey All, So I am posting in some other places also but wanted some feedback. I put my eggs in lockdown on the 3rd, today I came and two of the eggs that had pipped hatched while I was gone so I dont know which chick came from which eggs but one of the chicks looked wrong, it was hard to tell...
  5. beehappy4ever

    Chickens do the darndest things

    I have two 5 month old Polish Pullets, they are truly the dumbest chickens I have ever had. Blondie would start to walk and not stop till she ran into something like the side of the house and then just stand there not knowing what to do for up to 20 minutes. Sophia was stupid but so sweet she...
  6. beehappy4ever

    9 Month Old Americana Hen - Coughing, cheek swollen, white ears

    I am curious if anyone has any ideas. Hen is acting fine but just this weird combo of stuff. She is a 9 month old americana hen, has been paying eggs for a little over a month. Two weeks ago I noticed she sounded like she was coughing/sneezing when she was clucking, I monitored and didn't...
  7. beehappy4ever

    Heat exaustion?

    Yesterday evening I came in to find one of my buff orphington's dead in the coop. She was still warm and I had seen her an hour before that walking around the yard. Both her and her sister (I called them Nicki and Paris Hilton because they are bratty birds) have been exceedingly healthy girls...
  8. beehappy4ever

    Bald Chicken Butt with pictures

    I have an 11 month old Black Australorp named Ebony that has (since a chick) always had a problem with poop sticking to her vent area. Two months ago it was pretty caked up so I cleaned her up and trimmed the feathers back, shortly after she started loosing all her butt feathers. I have been...
  9. beehappy4ever

    5 week old muran pullet - Possible Resp Infection?

    This has been the worst two weeks for chickens for us! Earlier this week we had 5 chicks die from a batch of 10 bought at a feedstore. I think we are over that (believe it was Cocci) as we haven't lost any more chicks in the last two days. Unfortunaly one of our 5 week old pullets had goopy eyes...
  10. beehappy4ever

    Help!!! Baby chicks keep dying don't know why

    I am hopefull someone can help. Yesterday I got 10 baby chicks (couple day old) from the feedstore. They were fine through the night and this morning, around noon when I went to check on them I found one very lethargic and laying in a corner with what appeared to be blood coming from her vent. I...
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