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  1. featheredroots

    Is my tiny girl feathered enough to go outside? (Pic heavy)

    We had terrible luck with chicks this year(lost 10 out of 12). Now at seven weeks old my remaining girls are very much enjoying their days in the coop, but hate coming in to the brooder at night. I'd love to leave them out at night but I'm worried that my little girl isn't feathered enough...
  2. featheredroots

    Too Cold for the Coop?

    It's just barely 60 degrees this morning, and there isn't any sun in the coop or run yet, but my girls are squawking to go out. I only have two, and they're six weeks old, but one is a runt and not fully feathered yet. Will she be too cold?
  3. featheredroots

    Runt or Roo? (pics attached)

    I know it's hard to tell, and the pics probably aren't the best (I'm still getting used to the new camera), but I'm wondering if our little white EE is a runt or perhaps a small rooster. She's taking a very long time to feather, and is considerably smaller than her Golden Comet sister. I...
  4. featheredroots

    Strange sound coming from chicks

    I've been noticing a strange sound when I lean over the brooder box and assumed it was the sand in it shifting. But today I picked up one of the chicks, and realized that the sound was actually coming from it, so I picked up another one and could hear the same sound. Is it the grit moving...
  5. featheredroots

    How to get chicks to sit still for pics?

    I'm trying to take individual pics of my chicks, but they won't hold still. There's so many great pics on here that I was hoping some of you may be able to give me tips, tricks or advice on how to get some great shots also. Thanks.
  6. featheredroots

    We got our new chicks today!

    We picked up our new chicks this afternoon ( 3 EE's and 3 Golden Comets), they're adorable of course, but full of fluff and nonsense! The light EE started pecking eyes as soon as she entered the brooder, so I kept picking her up and moving her in hopes that she'd get the idea that she wasn't...
  7. featheredroots

    Getting new chicks today....scared to death!

    Finally getting new chicks today, I'm excited, but also scared to death! After having to give the first bunch away, and then losing all of my second batch a couple of weeks ago, I'm hoping that the saying " The third time's a charm", hold true. I called the feed store this morning, but the...
  8. featheredroots

    Should I replace my brooder?

    As some of you already know, we lost all our chicks last week to what we assume was a vitamin deficiency. I was just going to clean the brooder and leave it outside for a few days before getting it ready for the new batch coming next week, but my husband thought maybe we should just replace it...
  9. featheredroots

    Starting over.....Need help deciding what breeds.

    It's been a rough week, and I want to thank everyone who posted words of support and encouragement. I'm not sure I'm truly ready to start over again, but I don't have much time before the feed stores will be done carrying chicks, so I guess it's now or wait until next year(I definitely don't...
  10. featheredroots

    We lost all our chicks :(

    I want to thank everyone who posted replies and links to help me save our chicks, but I'm sad to say they didn't make it. I tried holistic remedies, and also electrolytes and vitamins from the feed store, but I didn't catch it quickly enough. The past few days have been rough, as I've...
  11. featheredroots

    Three week old chick developing splay leg

    My three week old australorp seems to be developing splay leg, she can walk, but her stance is extremely wide. I tried using a band aid, but she refused to walk, and thrashed and flung herself around the brooder. I was afraid she'd hurt herself so I took it off. Is there another way to...
  12. featheredroots

    Help....another sick chick!

    Thanks again for the replies to yesterday's brooder temp post. The temp is between 85 and 90 degrees, and all the girls seem comfortable now. The problem we have this morning, is a chick that seems week, and is rocking when she sits. She was fine last night( I checked on them 3 times), and...
  13. featheredroots

    Chicks too hot?

    Yesterday my week and half old chicks slept most of the day. I was slightly concerned(usually they're really busy), but figured they just needed rest from growing so fast, but last night I went in to find one of my australorps lethargic and week. All the others seemed fine, so I checked her...
  14. featheredroots

    Slow Feathering Chick....Should I Be Concerned?

    I have 6, five day old chicks, all have long beautiful wing feathers, except for one golden comet. She's eating, drinking, and playing, and her feathers are showing, but are much shorter than the others. Normally I wouldn't be concerned, but I had an EE last year with similar feather issues...
  15. featheredroots

    Help for lone hen...

    I just found out today that 2 out of my 3 chickens are roosters. I have a good home for them, but I have no idea what to do for my one and only hen. Is it best to... A) Order new chicks and let her be "Boss Mamma"? B) Keep one rooster and start my own flock? C) Try to find some...
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