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  1. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    I lost the Love of my Life

    My sweetie has passed away. He got his leg broke by a cow at the sale barn where he works part-time. She crushed the fibula bone close to his ankle, being hard-headed as he was, he went on working for 2 days without going to the doctor. After he finally did, he complained of an upset stomach...
  2. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Happy Birthday monarc23 & jrm_countrygirl

    Happy Birthday to you!!! Jean
  3. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Need to ID pigeons.../ Found my answer...sort of...

    I have 2 breeds of feather footed fan tailed pigeons that I need to ID. I can't post pictures because a storm took out my computer, so I am using my old one which won't support my new camera software. Is there a website that I can look at pigeons breeds, so I might be able to tell what I have...
  4. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Lost my last peahen last night

    I have been trying to raise peafowl for the past 4 years. I'm beginning to think I'm not destined to have them. I've not even gotten them to the laying age as of yet. I've been buying them at about 1 year old, and something always seems to happen to them. I haven't even bought them from the...
  5. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    GD's School

    I am so thrilled!! GD is in a small local Christian School, and they had their Spring Banquet & Fundraiser tonight. All the families were to decorate a cake to be voted on, and auctioned off. I had an idea when we were in the Dollar store, and we decided to do a rubber duck cake. I got online...
  6. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Texas Snow!!! - Pic heavy

    We had what the news is calling the all-time snowfall record. Oak tree in the front yard Oak tree in the sheep pasture Trees behind the chicken house chute pens with one of the hogs Chicken breeder pens Chinaberry Tree Grand kids having snowball fight Free-range chickens...
  7. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Pictures of my new babies

    The lambs are starting to arrive!!! Jacob Four-horn ewe had a little girl on 2-2-2010 Barbado ewe bred to Jacob four-horn ram had twin girls today 2-6-2010 4 month old Great Pyrenees pup cleaning one of the babies Proud Papa I need to get better pictures, maybe tomorrow, if it is not...
  8. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Chupacabra or Hairless Racoon?

    That would be one ugly critter to come across. Jean
  9. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Picture of my newest baby

    This is our first kid of this breeding season. First for her Mom too. is a little girl!!! The dam is not a registered Nubian, but the sire is. Of course she was born in this cold and rainy spell we are having right now. We had to move them to the rabbit barn, because one of the other...
  10. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Parrot questions (Picture)

    This is what Dh brought home tonight. Can anyone tell me what breed it is? Can you tell me if it is a male or a female, or can that be done only by DNA testing? DH said they called it a yellow-headed something. It is about 3 years old and was hand fed as a (chick), I don't even know if that is...
  11. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Help me identify these pigeons

    I have never had pigeons before and need some expert opinions. Can anyone tell me what breed these are? They are supposed to be a mated pair. They made a nest and laid 2 eggs right after I got them, but they kicked them out of the nest right about hatch date. I broke them open and they were not...
  12. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Right to Farm Act question

    I have been trying to find the "Right to Farm Act" of Texas, with no luck. I don't know the bill number, so I haven't been able to locate it. I know there are some members that are so good at locating this kind of stuff, could you help me out? Thanks, Jean
  13. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    my computer crashed

    Well, It hasn't been very long since I got a "new" re-built computer after my old one died. Now...with all the new virus' and such, I clicked on a window that popped up from my toolbar at the bottom of my screen to update my security. It was an advertisement to buy security software!!!! And it...
  14. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    I'm back from a great vacation!

    My GD and I went to Minnesota to visit family for 10 days! It was GD's first visit to MN. We had a wonderful time and took lots of pictures. We spent time on the family farm, at one brother's lake home, some quality time with the sweetest woman on this earth (MOM), visited with lots of...
  15. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    What do you do when it's 97 degrees outside????

    Well, around the morning while it is still a bit cooler, we gather up a few of the gang and have us a real hen party! Then when it warms up in the afternoon, we take a dip in the hot tub and gaze out at the horses, wishing it was cooler, so we could go riding. Scroll down...
  16. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    moved chicks to brooder room today PICs

    We moved the chicks that hatched March 30 & 31 from their brooder boxes to the brooder room today. Here are pics taken on April 1st. This chick is not is one of my Buff Turkens with an EE's fluffy head and beak positioned just right, making it look strange! Here is the...
  17. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Our Version of the "Hoop House"

    We needed a movable coop quick and inexpensive. This is what DH came up with. It is 14 feet wide and 10 feet long. It is about 7 feet tall in the center. I want to emphasize that we did use chicken wire, and we don't recommend using it. This coop is where some of my dogs are, so predators are...
  18. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    NEW BABIES!! New PICS Added

    With all the new arrivals posted from everyone, I just had to post my new babies that were born today. This is Patty, one of my Pot-Belly sows with her newborns. Jean
  19. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    Araucana crossed with Ameraucana

    I just got 3 purebred Black Araucana's. 2 Roosters and 1 hen. One of the roosters has ear tufts, and the other is clean-faced. The hen is clean-faced also. Breeders of these beautiful chickens: Which rooster do you recommend I put her with? I have her with the one that has ear tufts right...
  20. Rafter 7 Paint Horses

    An egg inside of an egg!

    One of my regular egg customers called & said when his wife was cooking him breakfast, she broke one of the eggs and it had a little egg inside the shell! The large egg was complete with yolk and white, and the little egg was just in the shell with it. The little egg had a shell also. I have...
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