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  1. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Silkie Genes Come Out Strong In Grandchicks.

    I have 3 chickens from last years hatch, the boys are full siblings, the hen is a half sibling. Daddy was a black silkie to all 3. Then we have a little black bantie that we got from Tractor Supply last year. This year because of my health, I re-homed 14 of my hens, and just kept the 4 that...
  2. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Store Eggs - Companies Stating They Are Cage Free/Organic & Chicken Farms - VENTING!!!

    These companies make me hot under the collar with their claims on how their chickens are cage free or only fed organic food. The show Unwrapped this week, had a episode about breakfast. And EB were the eggs in the show, they were saying how they test the eggs to make she how they are low in...
  3. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Feathered Legged Chipmunk

    Was not sure where to post this question, direct me if I am wrong. Had my first Broody Mama's this month, Mama #1 had 4 chicks, easy to figure out who was Mom & know who Dad is. Broody Mama #2, has hatched 4 so far, 2 Chipmunks (Easter Egg Eggs), but they have feathered legs. The chick I was...
  4. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Chicks First Day Outside With Mama

    First Time Broody Mama, hatched her first chick on Monday, second on Tues. & third & fourth on Wed. Today Mama took her little ones outside for the first time. Love The Butt! Let's Climb On Mama!
  5. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    First Hatch from Broody Mama

    Was expecting the hatch to start today, but it started on Monday. Broody Mama is an 11 month old BO, Daddy is a GLW, known Bio Mama's are Light Brahma's & EE, unsure of the last one. First Chick (Lucy - Feathered Feet) Hatched 4-16-12 Second Chick 4-17-12 (No Pictures of it yet) (all blonde...
  6. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    My GLW Roo Is Not Head Roo Anymore!

    I have a GLW Roo named Owl, he will be a year old May 1st. He has been our only roo since Oct. I got 2 Silkies, both turned out to be roo's, but they have their own coop & run. Last Wednesday, I re-homed my naughty silkie roo, the next day my hubby asked if I wanted another chicken. One of his...
  7. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    It is a Bantam, but what kind?

    I got this little one at the feed store on Feb 2nd, as a day old chick. This is him/her now at 6 weeks. It's legs also have a green tinge to them. Any ideas??????? Notice the comb on pic. # 4, it is horseshoe shaped.Got all these chicks at the same time, New Hampshire & Black Aust around...
  8. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Bantie Chick With Bat Wings

    Went to the local feed store on Feb 2nd & got 9 day old chicks, lost two the following day. 3 New Hampshire Reds, 2 Black Aust & 2 Banties (straight run), one Bantie has a chipmunk face & spotted back, very cute. The other Bantie is black with a cream chest, has feathered feet, this last week...
  9. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Found Hen with odd posturing.

    I was doing late afternoon head check & was missing a hen. Found her (BO 7 months) under the deck stairs, standing, with head pointing down, and tail feathers pointing down. A fellow BYCer posted this picture, to ask if this is how she was. YES THIS IS HOW SHE LOOKED. I thought she might be...
  10. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Finally using all 4 nest boxes!

    Just had to share.
  11. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Look what I found in the trash can!

    Thought my girls were slowing down for the winter, in 4 days, we were getting 3 - 4 eggs. Hubby told them they were being slackers! Near our fence, we have a large trash can on it's side. I have looked in there from time to time, to find a hen, but no eggs. I have my children check under the...
  12. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Our first EE EGG....and it is green!

    I knew Sweet Pea would be laying shortly, because Owl our roo did the dance with her last week. And yesterday it happened! Last night, Owl did the dance with Twinkle, so we shall see what then end of the week brings, I hope it is BLUE!
  13. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Close call with stray Pit Bull in our back yard. Sad Update! pg 7

    Just finished building the silkie coop out of wooden pallets tonight, and moved them in. They were enjoying their enclosed run & my big chickens were all over the yard. Told hubby, I was off to the store to get milk, (swear we can't keep milk in our house!) Got home in 1 hr. girls are playing...
  14. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Cynder is a Roo

    Well I got conformation this morning, while the silkies were running around the kitchen. Cynder started to crow, now we just have to wait a couple more weeks to see what Nonnie is. The only thing I know for sure is, if one is picked up & held, the other gets upset & starts calling for the...
  15. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    4 Eggs in 1 nest & then 2 eggs in 1 nest TODAY!

    On Sunday, we got 5 eggs, WOW another BO is now laying! Today we were out & about till 3 pm, got home & hubby goes to let the girls & guy out to play in the yard & he comes in and says.... 4 eggs in one nest. I went & got them & put them with the 4 from yesterday, took a nap, and hubby comes in...
  16. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Round Table Chicken Eating.

    Gave the girls & boy the left overs last night. Mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, corn & some roast. This is how it all panned out. Hey move over, I want some of that, get out of my way, you're hogging all the corn, come on it is my turn now! Buffy, do I have something on my face???? What...
  17. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    My New Silkies - Cynder & Nonnie

    Finally got some better pictures of my new babies. Got them on Wednesday, let them out in the front yard today, but all Nonnie wanted to do was snuggle under Cynder's wing. And all Cynder wanted to do was stretch out on the grass & relax. Cynder Nonnie
  18. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Just got two silkies from craig's list

    Have been thinking about it for a while. I have 14 hens & 1 roo, who are my layers, but my girls are missing having babies around, been reading up on silkies and how they are so cuddly and great with kids. So I called over the weekend to a lady a few towns over who had posted silkies for sale...
  19. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Baby Girl is using the other nest boxes! YEA!!!

    Okay, I know it is no big deal, but the first egg was laid outside, second egg inside in the corner. Eggs 3 - 15 have been laid in nest box #4, Sunday, she started in #4, was in there for about 30 min. She got out & walked around a bit, and did some very loud egg song. :lol:Then she went onto...
  20. Mommy 2 Wee Ones

    Eggs 6 days in a row from my 20 week old BR

    Just wanted to say my BR has laid 6 days in a row, at about the same time. She is partial to nest box #4, goes in about noon & is out before 12:30. We are so proud & my "human girls" know exactly which nest to check.
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