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  1. I'm1chickencuddler

    Muddy Run and deep litter fix...

    The girls have completely cleaned and gleaned all vegetation in their yard. I have hard clay so this has not helped the standing water problem for my "designated chicken area" part of my yard. I read some of the different fixes and have combined a couple that have so far been working for me. I...
  2. I'm1chickencuddler


    I illegally have 22 chickens. The zoning inspector just left my house and told me I have 30 days to get my girls out of the neighborhood. Can someone please advise me on what to do or how to not have that happen? I am near hysterics and trying to remain calm. Getting rid of them is not an option...
  3. I'm1chickencuddler

    Massive Feather Loss

    A friend of a friend had to get rid of her flock of 11 ladies. I acquired 4. A dominique, a Rhode Island red, a buff orpington, and a bizarre looking but beautiful creature by the name of "Weirdo". All looked and acted very healthy. No mites or lice or anything external. The usual getting to...
  4. I'm1chickencuddler

    Americauna/8 months shaking head and puffed up

    Candy is/was my heaviest hen. She is an 8 month old Americauna. I picked her up because she was perched fluffed up and shaking her head constantly. I haven't held her in several days. She usually comes over and hops up on my lap. She hasn't in days. She is not acting like herself and she has...
  5. I'm1chickencuddler

    My flock's first egg!!!

    On August 28, 2011.....I found my first egg in one of the nest boxes. We were expected to get hit pretty hard for the hurricane so I put stocks of food and water in the coop and didn't let them out of the coop the day of the hurricane. When I went out there bright and early the next morning, the...
  6. I'm1chickencuddler

    Should I put my flock into the coop? They aren't going in on their own

    Ours have been out in their coop and completely enclosed yard since this past Monday. We had 3 sets of chicks at different ages that we kept in the house in separate containers unable to access each other. The first dozen was a mixed lot from a farm about an hour from my house. We were supposed...
  7. I'm1chickencuddler

    Chicken treats!!

    In reading here and there on this site...I have read about treats for chickens.....well...what is considered a chicken treat? I must get my girls some treats....or perhaps grow them...whatever. I want the happiest birds I can attain. I have 2 white mulberry trees that continually drop fruit in...
  8. I'm1chickencuddler

    white mites and flies we put our flock out in their coop/yard on Monday for the first time. We integrated our 3 sets of chicks and now we have massive amounts of flies and my daughter informed me Chicky Luna(one of our girls) has little white bugs all over her. When reading through pages and pages of this...
  9. I'm1chickencuddler

    Greetings ! I'm new! And super stoked and excited!

    I am new and thrilled to get some info from experienced chicken fans. I live in an area that does NOT allow chickens and want to change that. I just got my pen sealed up yesterday and introduced my flock to each other in separate dog crates. This is my first chicken adventure with my daughter...
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