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  • Users: kaybats
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  1. kaybats

    First turkey eggs!

    I haven't washed them yet, but it's so exciting! I have a BBW and a BBB. Evidently one of them has laid twice, but I just saw them today. I got them both as one day old chicks June 5th, 2013 and learned later that this breed is only meant for meat. At nearly 8 months old they are both healthy...
  2. kaybats

    caught in the act

    turn my back for one minute and this happens....hahaha
  3. kaybats

    sick bbw...need advice please...

    hi all. one of my bbw is acting very sickly. scrunching her head in and closing her eyes and standing all by herself. she would not eat this morning or take water. lethargic when she does walk. she was perfectly fine yesterday. i let everybody out yesterday and she was frolicking and playing...
  4. kaybats

    first heavy molt...UGH!

    There is another thread I wanted to respond to with these pics but the girls would not cooperate at the time. And drat, now I can't find it so I've started my own! Of the three white rocks, two are going through a rough really bad. And one not at all. They are all the same age...go...
  5. kaybats

    30 wk old EEs not laying....

    I have 5 EE girls about 30 weeks old. One started laying about 18 weeks old. Another at about 21 weeks old. The other 3 have yet to produce one egg. They are in the same coop with 6 barred rocks of the same age. (They have been together since day old chicks). Barred rocks also laying just fine...
  6. kaybats

    Help! Duckling ate a piece of plastic!

    I had two ducklings hatch two months ago. One is Blue Swedish(mom)/Welsh Harlequin(pop). She(?) Just ate a small piece of cellophane plastic before I could catch her and get it away from her. Will she be able to pass it? What should I do???? Please help! These two ducklings are the only two...
  7. kaybats

    Our first day out!

    Today I finally had the courage to let the turkeys and guineas out for their very first taste of the great outdoors and they are having a BLAST!
  8. kaybats

    establishing dominance?

    I have 6 turkeys that were hatched June 4th at the hatchery and picked up by me June 5th so they have been together from day one....not that that makes any difference in most cases...just sayin....;) 2 white, 2 bronze, 1 blue slate, 1 royal palm. Today was the first altercation I have...
  9. kaybats

    new addition!!!

    Our very first duckling hatched! With her two moms. Both of my girls went broody at the same time. They each had a good size clutch under them but sadly the eggs were slowly "disappearing". We caught the culprit a few days ago....a black snake!
  10. kaybats

    EE chick sick; now dead

    Noticed she was not well yesterday morn. By evening she was dead. I have 3 month old EE's and BR's in their own coop. All had been on preventive corid regimen since they were day old chicks. Now this morning another EE is acting sluggish and droopy but still eating and drinking and pecking about...
  11. kaybats

    trouble with hatchlings

    Briefly....three broody hens...fifteen healthy hatchlings between one white rock and one of the BOs. My poor third mommy is having a tough time! She's well into a second 21 days (unsuccessful first round...not one of 5 hatched). This time the first chick looked like it had "skidded" out on its...
  12. kaybats

    finally got my EEs!

    After two years of wanting them since I started keeping chickens. I was just never in the right place at the right time. Seven little cuties and each one is just a little bit different. They are three weeks old now and last weeks I got 6 one week old barred rocks. I put them right in the...
  13. kaybats

    Please God. Make the hurt stop. (very warned)

    I am utterly inconsolable. I was in the cellar no more than 15 or 20 minutes and when I came out, two of my duck boys, Zorro and Paco (a Rouen and a Cayuga) were dead. Annette, my baby BR mix hatched in July, also dead. And my love, Baxter, my gorgeous BO "pullet gone roo", DEAD. FIVE of Helen's...
  14. kaybats

    Newest addition....

    Helen had gone missing and I found her broody in an old spare tire a few days ago. Just in time, too!
  15. kaybats

    broody at 5 1/2 months old?

    Last Sunday one of my March babies went missing. She is a Black Australorp; her name is Helen. I thought I looked everywhere for her and presumed the worst. Yesterday, to my complete surprise ( and relief) I found her by accident in a remote part of the barn inside an old spare tire. At first...
  16. kaybats

    Waiting on line for the new "good nest box"

    I recycle, reuse, re-purpose Just about everything I can. I save feed bags to dispose of shavings when I tend nest boxes. (Makes excellent burn pile starter) THIS has been going on for the past few days..... Top to bottom...Daphne, Chrissy and Roxie. And they do wait! There...
  17. kaybats

    Chicks! Chicks! Chicks!

    Hatched Saturday evening! Patty with her little brood. She would have had 5, but sadly, one did not make it Grace is content with her 1 little one. Now updated pics of the older babies.... Maxine's youngsters, not so little anymore! Juliet and her babies! While...
  18. kaybats

    I can't post pictures.

    I have tried everything I know. It's been a couple of weeks. What is the problem?! It keeps telling me they are the wrong file names. Same computer, same camera. What's the problem?!
  19. kaybats

    March babies have started laying!!!!

    Man, this just never gets old for me! These are my 4th "first egg"....and I am as thrilled as I was on July 27 last year with my 1st first egg. I knew it was coming, of course, but was surprised anyway because these girls have started sooner than the ones before. 18 weeks! The egg in the...
  20. kaybats

    Juliet's first chick...

    Just hatched today! I can't or just don't know how to post a pic from this phone. Shoot! Not to worry, will post pics from PC soon! The baby is so cute! I'm so excited!
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