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  1. opihiman911

    2 chickens side by side hatching turkey eggs - trouble?

    I was given 10 wild eastern turkey eggs to set under a broody hen I have. The day after I gave her the eggs another hen decides to go broody and wants to sit on eggs too. I have a seperate brooding box that I hatch eggs in and the first broody hen is already in there happy as can be. The...
  2. opihiman911

    starting incubation - humidity & other questions

    I just got some eggs today and plan on setting the tonight. My bator has been running consistantly 99.5-100.1 for the last 3 days. The normal humidity around here is always 55-65% year around. Right now my hygrometer says its 58% outside, 55% in the bator. I've hatched chickens before and...
  3. opihiman911

    3 pullets died - lead paint poisoning?

    We have been in the process of remodeling our old 1940 plantations style home and have been scraping and chipping old pain off the exterior. We have been very careful to not work around our kids and clean up after ourselves as best as we can. We have tested the old paint and found it to have...
  4. opihiman911

    sunburn hen from getting ridden bare??

    Can a hen get sunburned? I have a young hens that has unfortunately became my BR roo favorite girl and has his way with her several time a day. The poor girl has been ridden bare, so I took her out of the main coop and put her in her own pen along with her best friend who always hang out...
  5. opihiman911

    newly hatched chicks with mites

    I have a broody hen who got infested with mites during her last week of sitting. I've dusted the mom and her nest with DE and put 4 drops of ivomec on the back of her neck about a week ago, but she still has mites. Her eggs have started to hatch and I so far have 3 cute little chicks huddling...
  6. opihiman911

    broody hen with mites - DE

    I have a broody hen who has been sitting on a clutch of eggs for almost two weeks now. I have her locked up in her own nest box with food and water. Eggs are growing well and are due to hatch the 24th or so. I went and checked on her today and when she puffed up and growled at me, I noticed a...
  7. opihiman911

    bumps on inside of leg = spur?

    I got 4 barnyard mix chicks about 3 months ago. I know one of them is definately a roo as he is bigger then the rest and already has spurs growing & has bigger wattle and comb then its siblings. I looked at the other 3 and they all too now have a little bump where the spur would be. I looked...
  8. opihiman911

    eggbound with maggots & blood in vent - had to euthinize

    I've been away at work for the last couple days. When I came home this morning and checked my coop, one of my older RIR was laying in a corner, limp not moving. I picked her up and immediatly noticed a bunch of goo coming out her rear end. I took her to the hose and washer her butt off and...
  9. opihiman911

    barred rock -vs- austrolorp roo

    I need help in deciding which roo to keep. I have a purebred Austrolorp and Barred Rock roo that have been getting along fine till a couple weeks ago when they started beefing it out for alpha spot. It got bad enough that I had to seperate them and put one in a bachelor pad apart from the...
  10. opihiman911

    great homemade fly catcher - pics

    I live in a hot, dry area that has almost a constant breeze blowing. Flies usually aren't a big problem here, even in the backyard where my chicken coop is and where the dogs do their daily doooody. All that changes whenever we get a bad rainstorm that keeps everything wet and soggy for several...
  11. opihiman911

    ragged feather & bare neck/rump - PICS

    I have 3 RIR/austrolorp chicks that are about 3 months old. 2 of the chicks have feathered and filled out nicely. This other chick has really ragged feathers and a bare neck, face & rump. I don't see any redness or raw spots. I have watched them and they are all eating and drinking well. The...
  12. opihiman911

    EM-1 (microorganism) & bokashi chicken feed

    I was wondering is anyone out there feed activated EM-1 (effective microorganism) bokashi to their chickens? I have used activated EM for several years as a ground spray to help breakdown the chicken manure and keep the smell down when it rains here. I also use it in my garden and in my...
  13. opihiman911

    EM-1 (effective microorganism) & bokashi for chickens

    I was wondering is anyone out there feed activated EM-1 (effective microorganism) bokashi to their chickens? I have used activated EM for several years as a ground spray to help breakdown the chicken manure and keep the smell down when it rains here. I also use it in my garden and in my...
  14. opihiman911

    Can I keep my roo in the coop while my hens freerange??

    For the last year or so I have been letting my hens and 2 year old Austrolorp roo, Keoki, freerange in my fenced yard while I am home. The roo has always been on his best behavior toward me and all my family, he has always kept his distance from us as he should. Last week while they were out...
  15. opihiman911

    new mother's eggs are hatching...what next

    I have a young austrolorp hen that decided to go broody on me. I had some issues with other hens sneaking in and adding eggs to her nest and her spending a long time off her nest. I decided to lock her up in the nest box to give her the best chance of hatching her eggs. She still had issues...
  16. opihiman911

    Broody hen wants to give up...when do I take eggs away?

    I have a first time broody austrolorp hen that has been sitting on a dozen eggs for almost 2 weeks. For the last 2-3 days I have noticed her off her nest and wandering around more and more, but then she will go back on her nest. This morning I have seen her off her nest for going on 3 hours...
  17. opihiman911

    can I lock my broody hen in her nest box??

    I have a first time young broody Austrolorp hen that I found sitting on a half dozen eggs. I have added a couple more eggs under her to give her a full dozen. She has been sitting well for almost a full week. My older hens have been going into the nestbox area and kicking the broody hen out to...
  18. opihiman911

    Roo won't sleep on the roost with his hens

    I have a big Austrolorp roo, Keoki, who is probally 9-10 minths old and had been the master of the coop for a while now. All my hens know and respect him and follow him everywhere. In the past he used to sleep on the top roost in the coop with all his girls. Over the last couple weeks when I...
  19. opihiman911

    Feral fowl rule Hawaiian island

    Couldn't help but to pass this on about life on Kauai a.k.a. the chicken island:,0,1067435.story Chicks dig this place, but so do their parents, alas Feral fowl rule Hawaiian island By Dahleen Glanton | Tribune correspondent...
  20. opihiman911

    stupid chickens gave me a hard time today

    Yesterday I put in some new fencing on one end of the coop and replaced a bunch of rusted wire and really secured the run. Thinking I would make it safe for the girls I put a dab of clear silicone over each exposed wire end. While I was in there I found 2 little eggs laying in the dirt. I...
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