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  • Users: Mac Momma
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  1. Mac Momma

    Three girls gone in less than 10 minutes from when let out this a.m.

    I let out my 16 chickens this a.m. to free range (two separate flocks, one rooster and 7 hens per flock and they don't really interact with each other and coop separately) I heard a commotion,looked out the window and saw one of the roosters freaking out and went to make head counts and missing...
  2. Mac Momma

    FOX took my girl! And a chick died today....YUCK DAY

    Just sitting down to enjoy my dinner and heard a ruckus. Looked to see my roo chasing the fox with a girl in his mouth. Ran outside with shotgun....too late! Had just been outside burying a chick that had died today from no apparent cause! My daughter is devastated, but I told her we would get...
  3. Mac Momma

    One week old chick....eye closed, neck drawn up, need advice

    Chick is one week old barred rock (one of nine) who is just inactive today with head tucked in and one eye closed. she seems to have some labored breathing. I have searched as much as I can right now given I am trying to administer poly vi sol and watered down scrambled egg. She will not eat on...
  4. Mac Momma

    9 mo rooster free-NHR-Georgia GONE-REMOVE

    I have a rooster that needs to find someone who will process him and serve him up for dinner. He is a mean roo that is aggressive with the hens. I am hoping someone wants him for processing or I will have my husband cull him. I have searched on here and seen that older roos are generally good...
  5. Mac Momma

    Past two days my birds are not returning to coop!!!!!!!!

    My birds are 9 months, cooping up like clock work and the past two days, they are roosting outside. It is below 20 and I am rounding them up into their coop. What in the world? The coop is the warmer place!
  6. Mac Momma

    Waddles(diseased,fungus,frostbite,???) Pic included

    Answering question for post in this section. 1) RIR, 10 months, about 7-8 lbs 2) No abnormal behavior 3)Crusty placed bled a little when I was wiping with saline wash. 4) Unknown cause. 5) eAting and drinking normally, I believe. 6) How does the poop look? Normal 7) Saline wash and neosporin...
  7. Mac Momma

    Have two roosters, three hens...need to add the newest hens, but when?

    I had originally purchased four hens and a roo. Well, you know how the story goes......the "hen" switched genders, so now I have two roos and three hens that are about 7 months old. Hens are laying and roos are mating with them. Upon realizing that I had two roos, I realized that I needed to add...
  8. Mac Momma

    OMG....I got my first egg today!

    My husband said I should bronze it, as it is the only $500 egg he has ever seen! Luv him, I do! I have three hens, so I don't know who laid it, but they laid it in the nest box like a good little bird!
  9. Mac Momma

    Questions about adding to my flock

    I have a small flock of chickens, one rooster, with four hens, OOOPPPPSS! I mean one rooster with three hens and a late developing roo, who just started crowing yesterday. They are between 20 and 24 weeks. I would like to add to the flock and separate my two roos. I know that I need 8-10 hens...
  10. Mac Momma

    My Silent Rooster (Well I think he's a he)

    Now that I am reading everyone talkin about 5 week olds trying to crow, I thinking I may be just stupid and have a hen with really big comb and waddles. But, here is his (or her) mug with a bit of yogurt on it for good measure. ONe of the "girls" beside him. They are about 5 to 6 months...
  11. Mac Momma

    I have finally found what I am REALLY good at......

    Growing.......(drumroll please) .................CRABGRASS. For real, my hens won't lay, my garden won't grow, I mean, even my rooster won't crow. But, crabgrass, yep, I can do that amazingly well! I may even have to change my name from "Mac Momma" to "Queen of the Crabgrass". I...
  12. Mac Momma


    I have new chickens that I picked up on Saturday. They were pooping fine when I picked them up, I had viewed the coop they were in and noticed nothing but semi solid normal looking chicken poo. Now that they are at my home, two are pooping runny. could this be the move and stress related? I am...
  13. Mac Momma

    My New additions...can you help identify?

    I am a COMPLETE newbie to raising chickens! I have been reading for the past few weeks and got my chickens yesterday. :o Here are my new friends. I think the reds are RIR (Possible Roo on right and Hen on Left ??) The little one in the middle....not sure what she/he is (think its a hen)
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