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  • Users: bloom_ss
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  1. bloom_ss

    Blue Andalusians and Easter Egger, boy or girl?

    These "girls" are 11 weeks (3 Blue Andalusians) and 12 weeks (EE). I need to get some opinions on gender. I am fairly good at determining the gender of EEs but this all white one has me stumped. I also have three Blue Andalusians, all three turned out to be different colors and I have no...
  2. bloom_ss

    dog got my chicken, help!

    I just had a chicken get attacked by a dog. What could I put on her wounds? She has a few puncture wounds from the dog's teeth and she is in shock, breathing but not moving. Her wounds don't look as bad as some I've seen since it was a terrier that got her but they are definitely deep. I don't...
  3. bloom_ss

    Partridge Rock Roo??

    I'm thinking I got a roo again this year. :-/ Do I dare "wait and see," or do I need to start looking for a home for this little peeper?
  4. bloom_ss

    EE boy?

    I got 7 chicks this spring and so far two turned out to be boys (one BR and one BA). I am pretty sure I have 2 BA girls a BSL girl and a BR girl left, but my EE is just confusing me. Is this a boy EE? Do the other 4 look like pullets to you or am I just being too optimistic?
  5. bloom_ss


    I wormed my chickens with Wazine for the first time about a week ago. Is Wazine alone good enough for now? I have Valbazen but I haven't given any to the chickens yet. I know a follow up with Valbazen has been suggested on some posts I read here, but I have chickens of varying ages and I'm not...
  6. bloom_ss

    So, I got a White Leghorn...I think

    *edited to add pictures* I bought what was labeled a white leghorn at the feed store back in April. She is almost 12 weeks old now and I just noticed something about her. She has VERY light feathering down both of her legs...just little itsy bitsy white dots of feathering on the outside of...
  7. bloom_ss

    One more time...Buff Orp...roo or not?

    This is Fluffy Miss Bianca...I really hope she is really a she. Sorry about the random pictures. He/She would not hold still for me at all.
  8. bloom_ss

    Partridge Rock Roo?

    At almost 10 weeks old is this a roo? It almost sounded like one this evening when I frightened it in the coop and it made this really weird sound as it ran out the pop door. This is my son's chicken, Taco. I really hope it isn't another roo since I know I've already got one...
  9. bloom_ss

    I got a roo, didn't I? =(

    I have been wanting a barred rock for my flock for quite a while, I finally was able to get one from the feed store this spring, but I think I ended up with a roo. =( They were supposed to be sexed pullets, but this one just feathered in too light not to question it. Not to mention the...
  10. bloom_ss

    BO, RIR, and SS Possible Roosters?

    Updated pictures on Post #4 =) I got five chicks at the end of March/beginning of April and I am beginning to suspect a few cockerels in the mix. The Buff Orp is the first suspect...the comb and wattles started pinking up about a week ago and it is right around 5 weeks old give or take a...
  11. bloom_ss

    Soft shell egg sticking out of hen's bottom *help*

    I have a girl that just started laying...she's 38 weeks old and she is an Easter Egger. All of my other girls (also EEs) started laying between 27 and 32 weeks. I was wondering why this one was taking so long to start, but maybe she just never had the right equipment to deal with egg laying...
  12. bloom_ss

    Black spots on comb, feathers missing from face??

    I have six EE pullets that are 29 weeks old and a couple of them have some black spots on their combs. I also noticed that the one pullet that has the most spots also has a lighter color comb than she had yesterday. I don't think she had the spots yesterday either (at least not that I could...
  13. bloom_ss

    Yolk outside the shell???

    I got two eggs this morning, but one of them looks pretty bad. It had yellow stuff all over the outside of the shell that looked like it was yolk. Is this just a fluke thing, or is something wrong with one of my girls?? Don't know who laid the egg, but I have two girls that I know are laying and...
  14. bloom_ss

    Green eggs and ham, anyone??

    LOL I JUST GOT MY FIRST EGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My chickens are 27 weeks and 1 day old today (hatched June 16th) and I found this in the nest box this morning: Here's the egg next to a large store bought egg for size comparison: The hen that laid the egg...Friendly...
  15. bloom_ss

    The girls and their first snow...

    Brunhilda, Friendly, Muffy, Roo Roo, Patty, and Marsala and their first time out in the snow: I think they enjoyed it, don't you?? ETA: If you click on the picture you can see the video. Sorry, I didn't mention that before. LOL
  16. bloom_ss

    Is this true?

    So, my mom told me today that she was talking with a lady that owns 12 RIRs and mentioned to this lady that my chickens aren't laying yet at almost 22 weeks of age. The lady told my mom, who in turn told me, that the reason my chickens probably aren't laying is because they are putting their...
  17. bloom_ss

    You can call me Farmer Stephanie

    LOL I just got my mealworm farm set up today and I am soooo excited!! I know some people get grossed out by bugs and stuff (my husband took one look at the mealworms and said that he never wants to see them again...LOL), but I think it is so neat that I can grow my own healthy treats for my...
  18. bloom_ss

    Kung Fu Chickens??

    Earlier today as I was free ranging my small flock of six backyard chickens (all EEs), I watched as one chicken (lower on the pecking order, but not the lowest) tried to take out one of her flock mates with what looked like the chicken version of the flying side kick. Seriously. Now, my chickens...
  19. bloom_ss

    9 week old EE chicks

    I posted a while back about having two possible roos and I was assured I have all girls. Today I went out to the coop like I always do and happened to notice that a few of the chicks are now getting a bit of iridescent green shimmer on their tail feathers. Can this happen with girls too or just...
  20. bloom_ss

    Ordering DE online??

    So, I haven't been able to find any place locally that sells the right kind of DE. You would think that since I live in a large city SOMEONE would have it, but I have tried everywhere I can think of to no avail. (Unless I'm just looking in the wrong places??) Where do you all get your DE from...
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