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  1. ericsgirlie

    Need Help!!! Our County is trying to make unrealistic backyard poultry farming laws

    What points can we make to build a case that this is wrong? If you want to sign the petition, you can do so here and even comment on why this is wrong. SIGN PETITION!
  2. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    Our Cayuga hatched 6 babies and one egg was pushed to the side. Our broody chicken it. It is still Alize and there is an external pip but not in the air sac. This happened yesterday. There is movement but no peeping. Do I help?o
  3. ericsgirlie

    Silkie adopts 6 week old chicks, Is this normal?

    Our silkie had been sitting on duck eggs that did not make it. Our baby chicks have been in a pen outside for a couple of weeks and we felt they were big enough to be released. We left the door open and the chicks will venture out but pretty much stay inside the pen. This morning, I go out and...
  4. ericsgirlie

    The Irony- Rescuing a Coopers Hawk

    My daughter likes to rescue animals and has a reputation for it. We get a call about rescuing a baby osprey. It arrives and we are thinking it is not an osprey, but a hawk. Sure enough it is a hawk :p A chicken killer :( He has a brain injury and we are having to tube feed it for now. If he...
  5. ericsgirlie

    Baby Duck D-Day Is it still alive

    Today is day 28, yesterday it was moving like crazy, today not so much :( We only have 1 egg left thanks to the snake. I am so hoping it hatches :p
  6. ericsgirlie

    Fertilized duck eggs disappearing

    We have a broody indian runner and bought her some eggs to sit on. We bought 8 and now we are down to 4 only a week later. I tried to move her, but she was totally stressed out. I have a small dog crate and placed that where she had been sitting on the eggs, She seems to like that just fine, my...
  7. ericsgirlie

    Need home for one very spoiled American Buff Gosling (one month old)

    We have two but can only keep one. She has primarily been raised indoors is used to a diaper, but goes outside during the day if it is nice outside. We live in Easton MD and I do not ship. She will probably need to go to someone who will spoil her are have a friend. Let me know if you are...
  8. ericsgirlie

    American Buff Girl Goslings

    I have ordered 4 American Buff Girl Geese. We live in town and so we only want one. We are going to keep all 4 for 1 week. If all make it, two will be ready for Easter and pick up on Friday March 29th. We will be keeping two together until May 3rd Price for April 26th this baby will be $30.00...
  9. ericsgirlie

    Do your ducks sound like Walter?

    Walter laugh (jeff dunham) We here it all day from our cayugas (supposedly quiet) ducks. Makes me laugh every time! Hahahahaha See 4:00 minutes
  10. ericsgirlie

    Duck Outfits?

    Does anyone know is the outfits for the cement geese will work for real ducks and geese? We have done dog clothes before, but not those for ornamental geese.
  11. ericsgirlie

    Broody hen with baby chicks in livingroom???

    Ok our broody silkie is loving her some adopted chicks. They are currently, in our brooding cage, with no heat. Do I move the cage to the coop and then on nice days put them in the safe run for day and move them back to cage? At what point are chicks safe with other hens?
  12. ericsgirlie

    Red and Yellow, Black and White, They are Precious in His sight... The Great Adoption!

    I never cease to be amazed at how God uses his creation and order to teach me more of His character. If I am willing to seek, I will indeed find :) Today our baby chicks arrived. A day early, so we were not entirely prepared. We also had a broody hen, who thoughts she was going to have babies...
  13. ericsgirlie

    RIP Henny Penny

    Some of you may remember us getting chickens last year and being surprised when they were not young laying chickens but from a battery cage farm and were beyond laying years. Henny pPnny was our heart. She was so sweet and actually won lots of ribbons and $35 at the 4h pet competition. The last...
  14. ericsgirlie

    Baby chick not thriving

    We just got them. I gave her some vitamins, but we cannot even get her to eat. It appears her nose is plugged. :(
  15. ericsgirlie

    Broodie Silkie accepting baby chicks.

    They just arrived .. we were not supposed to get them until tomorrow. We have a broody silkie do we introduce them tonight. How will they eat if they are under her? HELP, I am clueless.
  16. ericsgirlie

    HELP, Duck with possible Avian Encephalitis

    Ok some of you will remember Aflac and her illness. She got better and then relapsed and something went wrong whether it was this all along or not we are unsure. She has some kind of bran infection, maybe avian encephalitis. She has no balanceand her head goes to onside. If left alone she flips...
  17. ericsgirlie

    Duckling with possible encephalitis. HELP

    Ok some of you will remember Aflac and her illness. She got better and then relapsed and something went wrong whether it was this all along or not we are unsure. She has some kind of bran infection, maybe avian encephalitis. She has no balanceand her head goes to onside. If left alone she flips...
  18. ericsgirlie

    Is My Pet Chicken Down

    I was going to try and pre order for Spring and put notes of the promised Babes in Stockings
  19. ericsgirlie

    Are my Girls Silkies Still Girlies? 13 Weeks

    Updated pictures Darth Diva Mary Jane Shehuahua Tweetheart ( She has a single comb, I know not the best but she is so sweet) She has a very distinctive teet thus the name. Curious George ( Youngest's favorite. I am sad... Pretty sure he is a Roo)
  20. ericsgirlie

    Silkie Chickens

    Mostly Roos, but some may be pullets. So friendly and sweet. Cannot ship. Buff, Black and White 13 weeks.
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