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  1. homeschoolchick

    Naked Neck breed mix?

    Hello :) I was wondering what mix are my Naked Necks. I didn't know if the rooster would give a better clue than the girls. I got him from someone who said her hen (a naked neck) went missing and came back with babies. She is not sure who the rooster was that mated with her, because she has a...
  2. homeschoolchick

    Does this poop look normal

    I know there are pictures, but this is from a hen after corid treatments. They are now receiving vitamins and probiotics. Towards the end of the treatment she had watery stool and now it is more wet than formed. Is this normal? I have a picture of the watery one and then this mornings...
  3. homeschoolchick

    Rooster is bleeding from vent and I think his intestines are out

    I have had this rooster and his pullets quarentined for almost 2 weeks now, recent purchase. I saw blood under the roost yesterday morning and thought it was coccidiosis. I started treatment with Corid. This morning there was no blood under the roost. This evening I saw a drop of blood on a leaf...
  4. homeschoolchick

    Integrating chickens and it not going well

    Hello :) I have 4 Naked Necks, and 2 Polish. The Polish are 5 months old, and the NNs are 4 months old. I had the NNs first (got them in July around 4/5 weeks old I was told), and then got the Polish from a neighbor in August. I kept the 2 Polish separate for 2 weeks and then brought them to be...
  5. homeschoolchick

    Throat on Cockerel puffs out like a bullfrog

    Has anyone ever had a chicken that looked like a bullfrog when it breathed while roosting? I haven't had any abnormal symptoms with anyone, and the cockerel that is doing this seems all around fine. I just don't know why, when he breaths while roosting, his neck blows out a little. If he turns...
  6. homeschoolchick

    Recurrence of lesions on Showgirl chick's neck *PICS Included

    I posted about this about a month ago....... These pictures are just as bad as my first post, I am sorry. This is the best I can do. I hope you can see enough to help. This is "Boo-Boo". She has been named this because of her lesions. This is the same chicken that I posted about a month...
  7. homeschoolchick

    Showgirl chicks with weird growth/spots on head PICS Included

    So, I noticed a red spot on the back of one of the showgirls head. I thought maybe someone pecked her. It was a tiny red spot. Then after a few days the spot was getting larger only the red spot was still there, but the larger area looked like the skin was thickening around it. I didn't think...
  8. homeschoolchick


    Around 4:40 this morning my last cochin egg pipped. It has been slow but around 12:00 there was a small hole. Now there is a quarter size hole and I think it is from the other chicks picking at it. I can see the chick and it looks like slightly dried yolk is on it. It can move it's head and...
  9. homeschoolchick

    New to incubating and need help

    Hello! This is my first time incubating and need some help. I have a genesis 1588. The directions say to fill with water about twice a week. I am having to mess with it everyday! My room humidity is averaging 45%, but the bator will go from 57% when filled down to 25% in twenty four hours...
  10. homeschoolchick

    are bantam cochins a healthy breed?

    I am starting over with my flock. I am very interested in bantam cochins. I would like to know if they are a healthy breed. I know there are some sickly breeds out there. Apparently I had two of them! I want to start over on the right foot! Any help/thoughts would be appreciated!
  11. homeschoolchick

    Update on "my MS story"

    So, If you read my old post you know I had my silkies and polish diagnosed with MS. I only had ten and I didn't know what to do with them. I was going to keep them because I couldn't bring myself to have them culled. Well, last night on a crazy thought...I posted them on craigslist. I clearly...
  12. homeschoolchick

    Have to tell my MS positive story

    Well, it happened. I had a silkie hen who got weak and wobbly. I isolated her and gave her all the extra vitamins and nutrients out there, but she still wasn't getting any better. I thought maybe she had some kind of bacterial infection internally since she had no external symptoms aside from...
  13. homeschoolchick

    OEGB eggs

    Does anyone usually sell OEGB eggs this time of year?
  14. homeschoolchick

    young chicken not recovering from cocci

    I have treated all chickens with Corid because one of my young ones had symptoms of cocci. They have been treated for ten days. Today I gave them ACV in their water and a mixture of yogurt with rolled oats, grated apples, and a couple drops of polyvisol. The baby who is about eight weeks old is...
  15. homeschoolchick

    hello I am new

    Hi! I am new to BYC. Live in southern Maryland and have three new Silkies. Not sure if one is a roo Already wanting more...maybe Polish Bantams
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