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  • Users: CatUT
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  1. CatUT

    Chicken seems dizzy, unsteady on her feet. Sits down alot.

    I have a Jersey Giant hen that looks fine but she seems unsteady on her feet and will only walk a few steps and then sits down like she's sitting on a nest. I've separated her from the flock. She seems to be eating and drinking OK. She's still laying eggs. She's about 4 years old and the other...
  2. CatUT

    What Chicken Breeds do you Dislike & Why?

    I love my Americanas (Easter Eggs) I've getting blue and green eggs. For the most part they have been mellow in temperament and seldom get broody for me. Orpingtons are OK but I've had broody issues and I had one set that never would lay an egg. Currently I also have Jersey Giants. They have...
  3. CatUT

    Why are people so weird?

    This has been my experience with eggs. I have a ton of people who save cartons for me. I almost always have way more than I need. I give eggs to those who save cartons for me. I have one neighbor who asks about eggs from time to time, since she is a good friend, I really don't mind giving her...
  4. CatUT

    Help! My Rooster tried to attack me!

    I've had 5 roosters so far with my flock. Because we live in the city, we can't keep them. My first one was great and I was sad to get rid of him. The next two were awful and I had to remove them from my flock as they not only attacked humans but they beat up the hens too. The next one was a...
  5. CatUT

    Are Dogs Always Predators to Chickens?

    I'd have to echo the others who have said that it depends on the dog. I had a husky/shepherd that loved to mother everything. She would get upset with me when the baby chicks would start peeping louder because I was moving them around. She was an older dog when we first got chickens but I could...
  6. CatUT

    What would you change about your coop if you could?

    I would go with the bigger sentiment too. When we first got chickens the city only allowed us 6 then the next year they upped to 10. It's a bit tight for 10 but we made the run bigger and that seems to have helped. Also if you have a garden where the chickens run around be prepared for them to...
  7. CatUT

    Water Question

    Thanks. I'd collect rain water from the roof but here in Utah it doesn't really rain enough to make that work. That's why we have secondary water (aka Irrigation water) I actually get to pay each year for 1/3 acre of water from the irrigation company. It's way cheeper than using house water to...
  8. CatUT

    Water Question

    Basically it's irrigation water.
  9. CatUT

    Water Question

    I've been using house water to water my chickens. Well after nearly 3 years of hauling water out to their coop, I'm kind of done with it. I'd run a hose out to them but it's at the furthest point in my yard from my out side house water bib. However, it occurred to me that the chickens are always...
  10. CatUT

    Siberian Husky? Good protectors?

    I have a husky/German Shepherd mix that is the best guard dog ever. I've even had a couple of Lassie moments with her. Maybe the shepherd in her is what makes the difference. We have also strictly enforced pack order with her and I think that helps too. She thinks that she is the lowest thing on...
  11. CatUT

    training a dog to leave chickens alone

    i agree that until you know how an animal is going to be, they shouldn't be left unsupervised around any other animals. That being said not all dogs will attack chickens when ever they get a chance. Our dog was older when we got chickens but we've never had any problems with her and any of our...
  12. CatUT

    Review by '' on item 'Plymouth Rock'

    We added 3 Barred Plymouth Rocks to our existing flock this year. We handeled them a ton as chicks to get them used to humans. We also go 3 Buff Orpingtons with them and raised them together. The buffs integrated into the flock without any problems. The Barred Rocks not so much. They attacked...
  13. CatUT

    Calcium deposit on EE eggs?

    I would guess that it's your chicken with a problem. I had one that also was an EE that seldom laid eggs with a decent shell on them. One time she laid an egg with just a light dusting of calcium on it. 90% of the time her eggs would end up broken because the couldn't stand the jostling of...
  14. CatUT

    Insulate or Heat coop - an answer

    I don't heat my coop and my buffs, EE and Barred Rocks seem to be doing just fine. We've had temperatures in the negatives for awhile too. I'm not sure that it's gotten over 30 deg in the last two weeks. However, my coop is insulated. I'm not really sure that it makes that much of a difference...
  15. CatUT

    Buff Orpington Rooster? Please Help!!

    I would have to compare it to the others. I don't know if my method is really a good one, but it's worked for me twice. My roosters were fully feathered later than the others but the comb was more developed than the others. It's weird.
  16. CatUT

    Free Range or Not? What Does Everyone Prefer?

    My chickens free range my yard most of the time. When I keep them in the run, I think they resent me and let me know that they are not happy not running around the yard. If they start laying in the yard I just leave them in the run for a couple of days and they figure out that they need to lay...
  17. CatUT

    When to gather eggs, and cleaning the nest box

    I use a rubber maid smallish tub in my nesting boxes. I put pine shavings in them and just toss things When it gets kind of yucky. I totally change everything out twice a year. I have a chicken that lays eggs with really thin shells so they break quite often. I just pull out the shavings that...
  18. CatUT

    Buff Orpington Rooster? Please Help!!

    This is my 2nd year raising buff orpingtons. I've gotten a rooster each year. The way I've been able to figure out which one is a rooster is that at about 6 weeks the roosters seem to stop developing for about a week. The comb also develops faster then the hens. That being said, I do have a hen...
  19. CatUT

    Do chickens like water?

    We've had over 100 deg temperatures at my house for several months. I have a mister that I turn on for them to cool down the area by their coop. They really would rather dig holes in the garden under the trees and bushes and sit in the cool dirt. My dog does the same thing on hot days. they stay...
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