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  1. porteryork

    Second failure...why can't I hatch eggs?

    Thanks everyone. I am going to try one more time and will do everything you all have suggested.
  2. porteryork

    Second failure...why can't I hatch eggs?

    It is a still air and I turn by hand. Temp is 99-100 and humidity is 30.
  3. porteryork

    Second failure...why can't I hatch eggs?

    So I have a borrowed LG and my temps and humidity are good. I have set 80+ eggs from a variety of sources in my two attempts. Some of the eggs were not fertile so I am okay with those, the rest seem to stop at various stages. What am I doing wrong? Any pointers? I want to try one more time but...
  4. porteryork

    I am a bad candler??????

    Oh Telly! Thanks so much. That helped me. I think that I must have a bacteria issue. I candled last night and took out about 1/2 that I knew for sure were not viable.....porous eggs and not fertilized. There were two I was not sure about so I cracked them open and there were two little...
  5. porteryork

    I am a bad candler??????

    I can't tell you how many times I have looked at that sticky. That's what makes me feel like such a loser. I see the veins there but my eggs don't look like that.......I wish we had a sticky that said, this is what a fertile egg looks like at xxxx days, this is one that isn't making it so there...
  6. porteryork

    I am a bad candler??????

    Okay, thanks ya'll. I am feeling better and shall last until day 14. I want to see veining!
  7. porteryork

    I am a bad candler??????

    So I am candling my 47 eggs today which should be day 7. Some are just clear so those are not fertile? Some I see a black spot on, that is the eye? I am trying but I just don't see any veining..........I am just hopeless? Surely between these 47 I can get one chick? My temps and humidity are...
  8. porteryork

    second try at hatching.....

    My first try was with $80.00 (45 eggs) and NOTHING! I feel like an idiot. So this time, I was gifted with a bunch of eggs as well as 7 from my own for a total of 47 eggs. Set them yesterday and the temp is steady at 100/99 and humidity is 35% in a LG. Please send me good hatching vibes!
  9. porteryork

    I lost half my flock today...

    I empathize with you. I lost over 1/2 of my flock to a mysterious predator (birds are just gone, no bodies, no feathers, no signs at all) I was bereft!
  10. porteryork

    Lockdown but not hopeful.....:-(

    I set 45 eggs 18 days ago. I am pretty sure I have done everything right but the candleing thing is driving me nuts. I now only have 5 eggs left that I think might have something in there. The rest were clearly not doing anything. Is this normal or am I a loser of a chicken hatcher?
  11. porteryork

    deep green olive eggs for sale

    I am in the same boat, my bator is full til Feb. I want a dozen if we can do it that way. Thanks!
  12. porteryork

    setting eggs on Thurs. Hatch date Feb 4th-who's with me??

    I have 45 eggs in the bator for my first hatch. Every thing from some dark copper marans to green/blue and, yes, pink, EE's. I am nervous and have my fingers crossed! It will be my birthday so hopefully that will a good day...
  13. porteryork

    Someone Needs to Ask Pumpkinpup What she brought home today!!!!!!

    So Pumkinpup, are you trying to tell us that Locked is a first class enabler?
  14. porteryork

    45 eggs in on first hatch....

    I just figured out today that these little ones are due on my birthday. Won't that be great?! Anyway they are cuckoo and black cooper marans, buff orps, silkies and EE's and............eekkk frizzles! Send me good hatching thoughts and I will keep you posted. I am terribly afraid that my chicken...
  15. porteryork

    Anyone heard/seen Missouri Chick?

    I sent her an email but I haven't heard from her and I see she hasn't posted since Nov. Any thoughts? Michelle
  16. porteryork

    Kitchen Aid mixers - who has one and how would you rate it?

    I have had mine for 24 years and my Mom's is from the 70's and both are going strong and the single best appliance in our kitchens.
  17. porteryork

    Rare Frizzles Standard Cochin Hatching Eggs 6+ Hamilton Ga

    Went down I love Frizzles's place in Hamilton Georgia. Now have 21 eggs from her beautiful birds. Her roos and their girls are truly beautiful and her pens are immaculate. Can't wait for her plans to be fully realized. Now have a total of 45 eggs in the bator for my first hatch! (Some...
  18. porteryork

    12+ Blue/Green EEs $20. incl. shipping

    Could I see some pics? I am very interested and am headed south on Thursday........Michelle
  19. porteryork

    What gender/age are these Ameraucana chicks?

    Those look just like my EE chickens, Amelia and Shirley. They love to fly up so watch out. They are wonderful but very hard to sex as they do "look" male and it looks like they have the tell tale pointy neck feathers but they end up laying beautiful eggs. They look about 6/8 weeks but it is hard...
  20. porteryork

    Are Silver Laced Wyandottes generally unhealthy or stupid?

    My SLW are great and my roo is gorgeous. Now I do have a buff orpington that I think is a bantam cause the babies are bigger than she is now. She has some "issues" and I think she must have some kind of neurological disorder.
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