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  1. BeckyBird

    Using pipe heating tape in winter coop? Your thoughts?

    Hi, you put up a great point, but this winter is going to get cold. However, we own modern game bantams. These birds do not handle temperatures below freezing well at all. It's also going to be below 20°, so we are looking for as many ways as possible to keep them warm. We are thinking about...
  2. BeckyBird


    It might help to cover the bottom of the pen with wood or tarp, so the ducks won't be able to see the dogs when they are out. Also, a brush pile in the corner for them to hide in would be helpful.
  3. BeckyBird

    Hi there, Sorry this is such a late reply, but I don't have the wood ducks anymore. This is the...

    Hi there, Sorry this is such a late reply, but I don't have the wood ducks anymore. This is the first time I've been to the site in a long time, and just wanted to write back to you. I hope you found some wood ducks! I found my original ducks from a Craigslist ad, if that helps.
  4. BeckyBird

    Hi Mary, How are you? Years ago, I bought some lovely silkie eggs from you. I was wondering...

    Hi Mary, How are you? Years ago, I bought some lovely silkie eggs from you. I was wondering if you still have silkies, and if you offer hatching eggs? I have bought eggs from many different breeders over the years, and yours are some of my favorite birds. Thanks Mary! Becky
  5. BeckyBird

    Help for hand feeding: How to hand feed from day one

    Great posts! I have a question....for your first feeding, did you use raw egg yolk or hardboiled yolk? I'm expecting an egg to hatch in about a week, and I want everything prepared ahead of time. Thanks!
  6. BeckyBird

    2nd Annual Winter Online Poultry Show, All Poultry is Allowed, Ends Feb/10/2014, Get your entries in

    Type of Bird: Chicken Breed of Bird: Bantam Cochin Username of Owner: BeckyBird
  7. BeckyBird

    2nd Annual Winter Online Poultry Show, All Poultry is Allowed, Ends Feb/10/2014, Get your entries in

    Type of Bird: Chicken Breed of Bird: Silkie Username of Owner: BeckyBird
  8. BeckyBird

    Show off your house ducks!

    Daisy is a beautiful gal!
  9. BeckyBird

    Cruel Irony.

    Oh no! That's so sad :( Why is it always the sweetest ones that horrible things happen to? It is amazing she found her way back home--who says chickens aren't smart? She sounds like an intelligent chicken, and I'm sorry for what happened.
  10. BeckyBird

    Chicken "in your face" pictures!!

    Does this count? He looks like a chicken
  11. BeckyBird

    Thanks to All Crazy Chicken Keepers!

    I love all the coop photos, and the chicken photos too! 'm always thinking of new coop designs, and always planning on the next coop to build. You've given me some good ideas! Those sunbathing chicks are so cute, and I love those pics with Theoldchick--your ladies look very friendly! I totally...
  12. BeckyBird

    Thanks to All Crazy Chicken Keepers!

    I am a chicken lover. I love chickens. I play with my chickens every day. I talk to them. I spend my free time building coops and cleaning coops. I spend my spare money on hatching eggs and chicken feed. They are my hobby and a great source of happiness in my life. Sometimes, I feel like I'm...
  13. BeckyBird

    3" Drain pipe chicken feeder. Cheaper then PVC:)

    Lol! Excellent video, and the opening fart joke was hilarious!!!
  14. BeckyBird

    North Carolina

    Meredith, I'm so sorry! I hate to say this, but I have been through the same issues with dogs. It is heartbreaking to have your precious chickens killed, and what's worse, it's because of a terrible neighbor's carelessness. Just 2 nights ago, a dog came through my fence and attacked my free...
  15. BeckyBird

    North Carolina

    I have the Brinsea Eco 20, and you can roll the eggs by hand, all at one time! You just turn the whole incubator on its side, as many times a day as you like. You don't have to even touch the eggs to roll them, and it's a real time saver! You can always get the auto turner, but that's $50 extra...
  16. BeckyBird

    Cochin breeding, genetics, and showing

    Funny--I recognize several of the cochins on the site are from BYC members! We have some excellent breeders on this site, don't we?
  17. BeckyBird

    North Carolina

    I like Lake Royale! Hope you had a fun day!
  18. BeckyBird

    North Carolina

    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! It's been a wonderful day so far! I am now the proud mommy of 5 beautiful baby Seramas! 3 are yellow, 1 is chipmunk, and 1 is grayish. They are the most adorable little chicks I've ever seen. Their little legs are so stubby and cute! And I have to say...
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