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  1. happyhens120

    What turkey breeds do I have?

    Thanks everyone!
  2. happyhens120

    What turkey breeds do I have?

    Hi all! I've had chickens for awhile and have recently fallen in love with turkeys as well. I have two beautiful bronze hens that are super tame, and I had a Tom that I think ran off. I got some more recently and I'm not quite sure what they are. I'm pretty sure the white one is a Royal Palm...
  3. happyhens120

    Mystery Predator... Strange (and graphic)!

    Wow, I had never thought of that. I Googled it and there is a video that shows a great horned owl eating a chicken and it's description is very much like mine. The head and neck are eaten, which this website says is common for an owl...
  4. happyhens120

    Mystery Predator... Strange (and graphic)!

    Hi! I've got rather odd situation on my hands... one that I can't quite figure out. We've dealt with predators before... foxes, raccoons, hawks, etc. This is beyond my knowledge on predators and need some help. My hens get locked up every night, but I have two guineas that free range. They...
  5. happyhens120

    Mystery Chicken Deaths...

    Thanks for the advice! I called the store this morning and talked to the asst. supervisor. He said it was no problem to bring the feed back. I am asking that they exchange it with the feed that I normally buy, even though it costs more. I looked for recalls but didn't see anything lately...
  6. happyhens120

    Who is my Rooster… Picture Heavy

    I started with a still air Little Giant. Had horrible hatch rates. I got a Brinsea Octagon... it is fabulous! I bought it directly from the Brinsea website and they were running a special. I didn't buy the extreme version, but I have great hatch rates now. Best of luck!
  7. happyhens120

    Mystery Chicken Deaths...

    Hi... thanks for the ideas. I've had some coccidiosis in younger hens before so it's something I look for when I feed the girls. We've also dealt with mycoplasmosis that was contracted through chicks that I purchased from another chicken raiser. We had to cull the entire flock, disinfect the...
  8. happyhens120

    Mother-in-law's chickens are dying.

    Just posted almost the same story! I've lost 3 birds in the last two days. Can you PM me the type of food you are using? I'm just curious if that might have something to do with it... Thanks, and best wishes!
  9. happyhens120

    Mystery Chicken Deaths...

    It's been a rough winter in PA, but my birds (until yesterday) have done great in the snow and cold as they've always done. Yesterday I found two dead Leghorns - one outside in the run and the other in the coop. There were no signs of struggle, no blood, nothing, so I'm confident this is not a...
  10. happyhens120

    Who is my Rooster… Picture Heavy

    When I had NN's, my girls were the first to look cockerel-ish. I would definitely say NN is a pullet. She'd be redder in the face/neck if she were a cockerel. I can't see any other signs of roos in the other pictures. I know next to nothing about silkies, but I would guess it would be one of...
  11. happyhens120

    WHAT YA GOT SWAP Chat Thread

    Also... if anyone is interested in a side swap I have some homemade items for swap. Our second graders hatch eggs each spring, and I usually give them the eggs to hatch, but I have since started over and only have chicks now. I am in need of eggs for them to hatch... I have some homemade...
  12. happyhens120

    WHAT YA GOT SWAP Chat Thread

    Hey everyone! It's been forever since I've been on here, but I was thinking about the vinegar starter someone had offered on the swap page awhile back. If that was you, would you please PM me? I'm interested in getting some starter. Thanks!
  13. happyhens120

    Russian Orloffs

    Yes, one of my girls went broody this summer. She made an excellent mom! She hatched 7/8 of the eggs that I gave her, and was willing to brood the chicks that I hatched in the bator, too. I kept trying to shove one under her and she kept kicking it out of the nest... it was a bad egg. It...
  14. happyhens120

    Russian Orloffs

    Thanks all for listening and for your advice! Sometimes the right thing is the hardest thing...
  15. happyhens120

    Russian Orloffs

    This past weekend we "depopulated" our flock. It was sickening and there were many tears shed. I did realize that it was the responsible (definitely not easy) thing to do to prevent the spread of the disease to other chicken owners in my area. I tried to be responsible and put them down my...
  16. happyhens120

    Russian Orloffs

    I was hoping to collect a bunch of eggs before culling, but my girls aren't laying right now. I am hoping by some miracle they start again and are consistent untill next weekend so I will have something to work with once they are all gone. With my luck lately I am doubtful. The last chicks I...
  17. happyhens120

    Russian Orloffs

    After reading lots of articles and data on mycoplasmosis, we have decided to cull our flock and start over. Next weekend might be the hardest thing I've ever done. We have 43 left and we are culling them all. It will be an extremely hard day, but is probably the best choice for the future...
  18. happyhens120

    Mycoplasmosis Questions

    Hi friends... After much debate and many changes of mind and heart, my husband and I decided to cull our flock, clean house, and start over. After reading more about the disease, we feel it's best to eliminate it completely. I am at a loss... this might be the hardest thing I've had to do...
  19. happyhens120

    Russian Orloffs

    Thanks for the advice, Ivy. I have also read that you can inject the eggs prior to incubating but I haven't found the dosage or the procedure yet. Truthfully I am leaning towards culling them all. It is heartbreaking! I wouldn't care if my flock's sole purpose was egg laying and I have also...
  20. happyhens120

    Russian Orloffs

    Hey guys, I need a little advice... I got some chicks from a local(ish) lady, and it turns out they were infected with mycoplasmosis and it has spread to my main egg laying flock. Praise Jesus it has not spread to my Orloff pen, but everything that I'm reading suggests that it's hard to...
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