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  • Users: AngelaB
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  1. AngelaB

    Michigan-- Looking for ducklings soon (or fertilized eggs)

    Anyone know of anyone who sells ducklings in the Genesee County area of Michigan (or nearby)? I have chickens, but want to add a couple of ducklings. I was hoping to get some soon to keep in the house with a heat lamp to get them socialized with people before it gets warm outside, and they go...
  2. AngelaB

    Plants around coop

    What are some good plants to plant around a coop and run (in the spring) I wanted to make the area look a little nicer, and also for something for them to peck at when the plants gets a little bigger and they can reach.
  3. AngelaB

    Feeding beef or venison fat

    Anyone feed their chikens fat from beef or venison? We are butchering a deer nd hate to see anything go to waste that can be used.
  4. AngelaB


    This might be a stupid question, but I will ask anyways. I have an EE that is very attached to me. When we have integrated chickens, or even the ones she has been raised with, are getting attention from me, she growls. Do chickens show jealous behavior?
  5. AngelaB

    Turkey poults

    I am looking or turkey poults. I was hoping to get around 7-10 of them.
  6. AngelaB

    Finding hatching eggs in Michigan

    Sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know of anywhere I can get hatching eggs in Michigan? Thanks so much!
  7. AngelaB


    My first ever egg! Finally!
  8. AngelaB

    Run in the winter

    Forgive me if this has been asked before.... Does anyone cover thier run in the winter? I only have 4 chickens, and 3 LOVE to be outside. They even prefer to sleep outside, which on colder nights I go out and carry them into the coop. The coop and run are really sheltered by a huge maple...
  9. AngelaB

    What breed is she? (posted pics from today)

    I got her from our uncle at his farm (we traded my roo for her, since I can't have roosters) He said a couple of breeds, but wasn't sure which one. He doesn't usually get this kind. She is young, around 12 weeks or so. These pics are from August, I posted new pics further down
  10. AngelaB

    Wierd sleeping habits

    I am not sure if this is weird or not, but leave it to me to have wierd chickens. 4 of mine, I bought them to together as chicks. 2 Black Australorps and 2 brahmas. I had to find a new home for one Brahma, turned out to be a roo. Anyways, they did this when I still had him though too. They...
  11. AngelaB

    Hello from Michigan

    Hello. I am fairly new at keeping chickens. We got our chicks in May and I just got an adult chicken yesterday. I have a light Brahma. I actually had 2, but my favorite chick turned out to be a rooster, so we took him to the family farm, where he can crow to his hearts content. I also have...
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