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  1. yoyosma

    Welsh Harlequins' eggs breaking

    Just an update- my Welsh Harlequin duck, Jo, with the breaking eggs- she did die, despite the calcium gluconate. The other ducks are fine; I didn't do light supplementation; they have now gone back to one egg per duck per day- pretty amazing productivity. They'll be 3 years old this August...
  2. yoyosma

    Welsh Harlequins' eggs breaking

    Thank you Amiga, for your help and for the additional details. I couldn't find Neo-Calglucon (looks like it's made by Sandoz, and is available over-the-counter according to my pharmacist- but I googled away in vain, trying to buy it!). I ordered pure calcium gluconate from an Amazon supplier...
  3. yoyosma

    Welsh Harlequins' eggs breaking

    Thanks for your suggestion- is it OK for all of the birds to have the additional calcium? It would be hard to just target the one bird that's having trouble.
  4. yoyosma

    Welsh Harlequins' eggs breaking

    Now the eggs have become soft-shelled; this hasn't happened much at all before ( a few when they were first starting to lay) and now it's consistent from at least one duck. I read about Quackers (I think the poster's name is PetDuck) peritonitis and am really hoping that we're not heading in...
  5. yoyosma

    Welsh Harlequins' eggs breaking

    Hi all- I have 4 WHs, two years old last August. From 6 months old 'til this late Summer/early Fall, they laid darn near an egg a day apiece; then they started molting and have really gone down in egg production. Now it's none to one a day- rarely, two a day. I feel like they've earned a rest...
  6. yoyosma

    Septic Tank & Drain Lines vs Coop Run Design

    This thread caught my attention! On our quarter-acre (although rural) lot, the only place we could find for our enclosed chicken run- the one attached to their night coop- was right smack over the septic tank pump-out access. We only need to get it pumped every 3 years or so, and next time we...
  7. yoyosma

    Geese and bindweed / morning glory (Convolvulus sp.)

    Hi there- Wondering how it's going with your geese and bindweed? How about your ducks, do they eat it? We re-homed our geese but I sure would love it if our ducks and chickens would eat the bindweed- it's a pernicious thug of a weed, isn't it? I've read about raising weeder geese to eat specific...
  8. yoyosma

    Cooping Chickens and Ducks Together.... please help!

    We have a similar set-up to Walter's (although smaller) in that the 14 hens and 5 ducks roam around together amicably all day, but sleep in separate, secure coops. They have enough room and everyone gets along. The Pilgrim goose and White Chinese goose had to go, though, as they'd attack any...
  9. yoyosma

    Massive hawk situation

    We have a ton of raptors out here- we've seen 8 bald eagles at a time; also, eagles, red-tailed hawks, marsh hawks, and ospreys all sharing the same patch of sky over our house (and over our chickens and ducks!). I know some of those species are territorial, but it's a big marsh we look out at...
  10. yoyosma

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Rusty The Speckled Sussex sez....
  11. RUSTY (and friends)

    RUSTY (and friends)

  12. yoyosma

    Adult GEESE in Western WA

    Hi all, Free to good home... Sad to say, I'm starting to look for a more appropriate home for my White Chinese and Pilgrim geese. We live on a road with many walkers, joggers, bikers- and the girls are in a constant state of outrage all day! Their (and my) nerves would be happier without the...
  13. yoyosma

    I've looked at the EE gender threads....

    Thanks everyone, she IS a girl and is now laying lovely sky blue eggs! :)
  14. yoyosma

    On Lockdown! - My Ancona hatch *Pics on p. 3, 5, 6*

    How exciting- & the pictures are great. Good luck to all! Anconas may be my next Poultry Adventure... if I can find any!
  15. yoyosma

    Shade for my 2 geese?

    Mrs. Magoo, thank you very much for your reply. I am noticing that even in the afternoon, when the house shades their area, they often are out in the sun. So I'm less worried about them now, especially as I hear from you all who live where it's REALLY hot. They've had their shade cloth for about...
  16. yoyosma

    Shade for my 2 geese?

    Messy- that's reassuring about the 100 degrees! And Bhonkers- I think you're right, the height is a problem - also that the shade cloth moves in the wind, which is SCARY. I may need to remove other water sources for a day, but I think I'll try the sawhorses and plywood idea, with a bucket of...
  17. yoyosma

    Shade for my 2 geese?

    My white Chinese and Pilgrim are so suspicious of anything new in their daytime area, they are avoiding the shade-cloth-covered place I have for them to get out of the sun. Their daytime area is an electric poultry-fenced lawn- no trees- that gets morning sun; and I need to let them out of their...
  18. yoyosma

    Duck Pond/pool pictures

    Sweet! It looks like she's smiling...
  19. yoyosma

    What is chicken math

    This whole thread is hilarious! (And very validating- I thought that I was the only one!) I wanted 6-8 hens; ended up with 5 ducks (after ordering 4), 18 chicks ('cause some would die, and some would be boys) (they all seem to be girls, & none have died)- and 2 incredibly noisy geese. That's 25...
  20. yoyosma

    Brand new chicken farmer in Texas!

    Welcome to BYC! I'm totally new to birds, and have received a lot of help and information here. Really having fun with it, too- :)
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