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  1. chickenlover237

    Can I use ibuprofin to put down a baby chicken?

    I have a baby, about 4-7 weeks old, it's tail has been pecked down to the bone (I don't know how) and he's trying to die. He's in a lot of pain and I think he should be put out of his misery, I was wondering if it would be possible to OD him with Ibuprofen. We're looking for the quickest, and...
  2. chickenlover237

    Chickens wing turning GREEN

    What's strangest is it is her whole wing, but a very defined line on her shoulder, it's localized to just her wing, it doesn't hurt her, but she can still feel on her wing. (I tested this by pinching pieces of skin along her wing) she reacted the same as the other wing.
  3. chickenlover237

    Chickens wing turning GREEN

    There isn't a vet within a four hour drive (that we could find) that can take care of her, as soon as I can get the pictures to load I will post.
  4. chickenlover237

    Chickens wing turning GREEN

    One of my white leghorns hurt her wing, I thought she had dislocated or broken it. She lost total movement of it, and today, two days after it happened, I checked on her and her entire wing, from the shoulder is GREEN and I literally mean, Green, grass green. And I don't know what to do! Pics...
  5. chickenlover237

    Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

    I was called at 6:30 this morning by our post office, the chicks had come! and the night before I got an e-mail at about 7:00 PM saying that they had shipped, I ordered nine, ended up with 25! one DOA, but the 24 that are living are happy and seemingly healthy, only one seems to have slight...
  6. chickenlover237

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    One of my little girls had her tailfeathers completely burned off! Aside from that no outward injuries except a few minor burns, I went to work the next day hoarse! A few of them still smell a little like smoke :/
  7. chickenlover237

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Best as we understand it, the bird that died must've sat on the light, or really close to it, and caught on fire, then in panicking tore the light down so it landed on the hay, we're lucky my sister saw it, probably very soon after it happened, we almost lost a lot more but I climbed in to take...
  8. chickenlover237

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I love how this thread took off! Been awhile since i'd looked xD
  9. chickenlover237

    Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

    I just ordered from Ideal yesterday (1-1-2015), came on this thread hoping to see what I may expect! I ordered two red cochin bantams, one white crested black polish bantam, two production black pullets, two assorted silkie bantams, one silver sebright bantam, and one assorted frizzle cochin. I...
  10. chickenlover237

    Chicken coop caught fire two nights ago... Help?

    My chicken coop caught fire two nights ago, luckily we caught it before the fire spread to the nearby woods, but not before it could claim the life of one of my roosters, the other 12 are mostly alright, but suffering severe smoke inhalation, What can I do to help them breathe? one hen in...
  11. chickenlover237

    Crossed beak pullet, how bad is it?

    Before about a week ago I hadn't noticed anything, I only saw it because she apparently has some vision problems, I think she's a bit farsighted.
  12. chickenlover237

    Crossed beak pullet, how bad is it?

    I have a pullet who's beak is starting to cross, I got her mid march with several other chicks, the others are all doing fine though, i've had a crossed beak hen before but she died of an unknown sickness, along with several others of my flock. I just don't know how bad it really is, and if it...
  13. chickenlover237

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I've only had chickens for two years, Last year I got six chicks, only three of them made it to laying age, two leghorns who lay beautifully and a bantam red cochin hen, Peaches, she layed for about two months, one egg every day before she started to sit on the eggs, me and my dad had been...
  14. chickenlover237

    Help! Chickens dying!

    none of them are paralyzed, they've not been wormed. I did have problems with Coccidiosis once but only one chicken died, and that was two years ago when I got my first batch of babies. I'll look into treating them for anything they could have, its just not making any sense.
  15. chickenlover237

    Help! Chickens dying!

    For awhile now there haven't been anymore birds getting sick, three days ago my hen Rosie was just fine, but since then she's had a drastic weight loss and has become slightly lethargic. Right now i'm keeping her near me so I can watch her closely over the day and make sure she eats and drinks.
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