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  1. nashvillechick

    Have you gotten chicks from The Poultry House via Bonnie's Barnyard?

    I'm about to begin raising another flock of hens and have searched high and low for someone who can vent sex chicks right after hatching. The Poultry House is the best that I can find in the Nashville area---actually the ONLY ones who sex them with good accuracy. A boy may slip through on...
  2. nashvillechick

    Bald chick breasts normal?

    Sometimes we nurses try too hard! Better over than under-caring, huh? Hope your chicks feather out quickly. They're so pretty when they do!
  3. nashvillechick

    Comment by 'nashvillechick' in article 'Chicken Coop Ventilation - Go Out There And Cut More Holes In Your Coop!'

    Great information, but I have one question: What's an appropriate width roost? Four inches? Is it so they can sit on their feet to keep them warm?
  4. nashvillechick

    Star of Bethlehem flower and bulb toxic to animals

    Very good to hear. Are you positive it's the same plant?
  5. nashvillechick

    Nashville Tennessee area---looking for bantam chicks

    In spring of 2013, I'd like to find two Cochin or Wyandotte bantams, but may end up adding two large birds if I can't find the little ones. Does anyone within a day's drive from Nashville breed bantams? If not, the large breeds that I'm interested in are Orpingtons (specifically a blue)...
  6. nashvillechick

    Star of Bethlehem flower and bulb toxic to animals

    Chris---I hope very much that you're correct, as my yard is full of this stuff. Everything I read said that the bulbs are the most toxic part, but perhaps, as you say, this is not so for poultry. They don't generally have great access to the bulbs, but I've been digging to alter water runoff...
  7. nashvillechick

    Star of Bethlehem flower and bulb toxic to animals

    Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) used to be a pretty bedding plant, but has now gotten into yards and is all but impossible to kill. Besides multiplying like crazy, the problem with it is that all parts of the plant and bulb are toxic. The leaves look a lot like wild onions (but no...
  8. nashvillechick

    Help now, PLEASE!!! Hen down, gasping for air, comb and wattles purple

    I recently went through the same exact thing, but had to euthanize her myself. It was the hardest thing I've ever done---I still cry over it. The only vet that will treat laying hens in my area was closed that day and she was in such distress, I couldn't stand to watch her struggle and...
  9. nashvillechick

    Why do we love chickens so much?

    Amen to this post! The poop is a great byproduct, but there's SO much more! I forgot to add the nighttime rituals to my post, but I love watching it. My friends are equally charmed, but most think that it's too much work. Boy, are they wrong!
  10. nashvillechick

    Why do we love chickens so much?

    I've loved chickens since I was a child, but back then my father culled those that I'd named and loved. Now I'm in charge and no one will die until nature takes them. My sweetest hen is named Sassafras, or Sassy for short. She loves to be picked up, and when I pet her she closes her eyes and...
  11. nashvillechick

    Need advice on whether to euthanize a sick hen who's a beloved pet

    I'm sorry for what you've gone through with your girls, and totally understand being a chicken person who can't imagine culling... I had to put a hen down who was less than a year old down last week and am still crying over it. She couldn't breathe, and I couldn't let her suffocate. The vet...
  12. nashvillechick

    Comment by 'nashvillechick' in article 'Plants Chickens Don't Eat'

    They won't mess with the roses or trees. In my yard, whether they eat other plants isn't so much the issue as the fact that they dig them up!
  13. nashvillechick

    Coop Builders - What would you have changed or done differently?

    Biggest mistake was building the laying boxes in an area where they walk below their night roost to get into the nests. I have to clean a dropping board every morning or I'll get dirty eggs.
  14. nashvillechick

    Ended Your Chicken Pictures Needed For The BYC 2013 Calendar

    Summer sun protection for the girls Hen party
  15. nashvillechick

    Help! - Chickens won't stop tearing up flower beds!!!

    Chicken wire is a good idea for new beds, but I've got 14 years worth of well established shrubs and perennials in the beds. Not sure how easy it would be to put wire around or between these plants, but I'll give it some thought. Thanks!
  16. nashvillechick

    Help! - Chickens won't stop tearing up flower beds!!!

    Thanks Peachygirl. I'm pretty certain that I'm going to enclose additional run space under a big Maple tree and just confine them to that. I know they'll tear that area up too, but at least I'll have a yard and garden. I hate to take their freedom away, but my property is only 0.18 acres with...
  17. nashvillechick

    Help! - Chickens won't stop tearing up flower beds!!!

    You'd feel much better if I posted a picture of the damage mine have done. It looks like bombs have been dropped. Who won, you or the chickens? Did you put a fence up?
  18. nashvillechick

    Where to buy Organic Chicken Feed?

    Hmmm---well, maybe they'll eat it once it sprouts. I bought a new brand from DesMoines Feed company and put a bowl of it in the run. They ate everything BUT the protein pellets... won't do layers any good that way! Picky girls... I just don't get why someone doesn't figure out that there's...
  19. nashvillechick

    Where to buy Organic Chicken Feed?

    Regarding organic feed in Nashville, TN, the Windy Acres folks are very nice, and I think they produce good products, but my hens won't eat the grain husks, which make up approx 1/3 of their layer feed. So I'm paying $25 for the 17 pounds that they do eat. They will mix without the husks, but...
  20. nashvillechick

    Comment by 'nashvillechick' in item 'Star'

    I have a Black Star and she's incredibly personable. She comes to me for back rubs and shuts her eyes while I give them, and will let anyone pick her up. She's beautiful---shines blue in the sunlight, and she's super sweet to the other hens. She'll get up on the top of the door to the coop, but...
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