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  1. thenovicehen

    What gender is my d’uccle?

    So weird! They do not behave like our other cockerel at all. I wonder when their tail will grow more like the other. They were hatched the same day, and Kurt Russel had been roostering since mid-May, the whole nine yards. Their tail is the same shape as our female. Thanks everyone for...
  2. thenovicehen

    What gender is my d’uccle?

    The first week of March, I purchased three day old Belgian D’uccles. We have an obvious roo porcelain; our white is clearly a hen; but what the heck is our Mille Fleur? They appear to have hackle and saddle feathers, but not sickle feathers. They don’t crow, and our porcelain has been crowing...
  3. thenovicehen

    Tube feeding and mouth breathing

    Thank you. I really did everything I could for her. When I saw this morning that her comb had turned more purple than just pale, I had a feeling.
  4. thenovicehen

    Tube feeding and mouth breathing

    @HeatherKellyB Her crop did empty overnight. I feel like she’s trying a little harder with her breathing in a good way. When I had originally posted, her breathing seemed shallow to me. Last night her comb was very pale, this morning has some color but looks a little purple to me. I tried to use...
  5. thenovicehen

    Tube feeding and mouth breathing

    The vet taught me to aim the tube down the correct side and to feel for it in the esophagus. I do try to start over when I feel like I’m caught on something, but I hadn’t thought about perhaps her crop is smushed but the towels we use to prop her up. Poor thing just falls over. 🥺 I don’t think...
  6. thenovicehen

    Tube feeding and mouth breathing

    Super encouraging, thank you. I had quickly searched if I could do the Heimlich maneuver on a chicken, and it was recommended so I acted fast and intuitively with shaking it loose. I do believe I saved her life in that moment. She’s been getting electrolytes sav-a-chick daily. I’m continuing...
  7. thenovicehen

    Tube feeding and mouth breathing

    That’s what I’m thinking happened. Her crop is emptying at night. Poops are watery, but I figured it was because she’s on all liquid diet.
  8. thenovicehen

    Tube feeding and mouth breathing

    Howdy, y’all. This is a little long, but bear with me because I need insight. Some background: I have a hen that had severe round worms and nearly died. She had stopped eating because she became so weak so my vet taught me how to tune feed her until she is strong enough to eat on her own...
  9. thenovicehen

    Is this normal?

    She laid an egg day before yesterday! She never laid daily, but I’ll bet there will be another today!
  10. thenovicehen

    Is this normal?

    She’s grown all of her feathers back, but the fish good is a great idea for a protein boost in the future!
  11. thenovicehen

    Is this normal?

    Thank you! I can’t figure out what color she is.
  12. thenovicehen

    Is this normal?

    Right on. Thank you for responding! Days here are 7:30am-5:45pm. I offer both game bird feed crumble (for my rooster and silkies), as well as layer pellets. She prefers the crumble, but I don’t want to waste this big bag. Is there an easy way to make the pellets into crumbles? Maybe she’s not...
  13. thenovicehen

    Is this normal?

    My ameraucana molted at 9 months old in mid September, finished by mid November. We’re in Austin, TX for geographical reference. She STILL has not laid an egg. Is this normal? I feel like it’s not. Is there anything I can do to help her get her egg cycle going again? I’m more concerned for her...
  14. thenovicehen

    What is this color?

    I got a little confused in the comments, as I don’t understand phenotypes or genetics yet. I have an ameraucana I've been trying to figure out her color since April. Can someone help with just telling me what she is besides pretty? She’s molting a bit in the photos.
  15. thenovicehen

    Sexing EEs please help

    I also have a hen this color and have been trying to find the name of her color since April. Lol I was so hopeful someone would comment on it.
  16. thenovicehen

    How can I tell if my adopted rooster has active depluming mites?

    Well, something got a hold of Elvis a few weeks ago and plucked his little butt and back bald. He’s fine, but that was a major step back from the feather regrowth he’d had over the summer. 😩 Thankfully, it appears they’re all regrowing already, including his little tail. I can still see his...
  17. thenovicehen

    Fuzzy, and His Crew

    They’re so cute! The little silky and the brown ones are especially adorable.
  18. thenovicehen

    Rooster Has Been Attacked

    His little tail feathers are broken off and I think he’s causing the a few to bleed when he goes for his preening gland. It’s wet with vetericyn hydrogel. The area under his wing where the skin tore has healed.
  19. thenovicehen

    Rooster Has Been Attacked

    He is fine! I believe it may have been my chihuahua that got a hold of him… probably over a scrap of food. He had no lacerations or puncture wounds, but half his feathers were violently plucked, a small patch of skin too. His body was pretty bruised from it as well. I hope his feathers come back...
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