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  1. jody78

    Eggsong-like noise, what is it??

    It sounds more like a "bock bock bock bawcawk! bock bock bock bawcawk!"
  2. jody78

    Eggsong-like noise, what is it??

    I've been noticing my pullets are making the egg song, but obviously still too young to be laying, what does this mean? They're 4 months old.
  3. jody78

    Stinky Chickens!

    Why do my chickens stink? I pick them up pretty often, so even my hands get stinky. The worst offender is my Gold laced Wyandotte cockerel, oh my lord he reeks..…. Is it ok to give them a bath?
  4. jody78

    When will they grow out of their "baby voice" ?

    My Buff Orps are 3 months old, still cheeping like tiny chicks. When will they start cackling and sounding like hens?
  5. jody78

    My chicks!!!

    Lately they have been eating like bottomless little pits! :)
  6. jody78

    Aggressive pullet

    I brought my flock in to the brooder tonight after being outside for almost a half hr. Immediately, one of the chicks became aggressive with the rest of the flock. The feathers on her neck stood up, she stood still and made growling sounds. Is this the start of determining the pecking order, or...
  7. jody78

    Petunia has hit that awkward chick-a-saurus phase.....

    Burdock looks definitely like a Wyandotte : )
  8. jody78

    Murray McMurray hatchery???????

    Our flock came from MM about 2 months ago, and had an excellent experience. We had no problems at all with our chick order.
  9. jody78

    Magpies and chicks

    My 2 month old Buff Orpington chicks were free ranging in the backyard today, and were harassed by three magpies, swooping, landing and grabbing away at their treats. Screeching at the chicks. How can I deter the bullies? They're such a raucous, bold bird!
  10. jody78

    Little cochin looks like she may not make it tonight

    Failure to thrive does happen to chicks. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to it. I'm so sorry :(
  11. jody78

    Comment by 'jody78' in article 'The Palace'

    Fantastic job!
  12. jody78

    Comment by 'jody78' in article 'Hestand Farms'

    thank you for sharing!
  13. jody78

    Pics of my Orphingtons

    Very cute!!! I have 20 Orpingtons :) love them all.
  14. jody78

    My Easter Egger boy, "Omlet" :)

    No, no offense at all!
  15. jody78

    My Easter Egger boy, "Omlet" :)

    thanks for clearing that up!
  16. jody78

    My Easter Egger boy, "Omlet" :)

    I got him as a day-old chick from Murray McMurray. He's the most laid back youngster in my flock.
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