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  1. chickenobsessed

    Can pheasant eat meat?????

    Does it matter what kind of meat? like fish, deer meat, marinated deer meat, i have a whole bunch of different kinds
  2. chickenobsessed

    Can pheasant eat meat?????

    Hello, I was told from a guy that pheasant will eat meat! Our freezer door was left open so we have a lot of meat to get rid of and was wondering if it would be ok to give it to the pheasants! Thanks Tyler
  3. chickenobsessed

    Processing old hens

    Not sure exactly on the age,, but they youngest ones we have are 2 years and will be 3 this spring, so the rest are probalby around 5 years old or so! Some of the breeds are: Barred rock, amercauna, and sex-links,
  4. chickenobsessed

    Processing old hens

    Hello, I have about 12 older chickens that are not laying very much, I'm only getting like 2 or 3 eggs a day. I have been saving those eggs and I'm going to put them into the incubator and in the spring the new ones will start laying, just in time to start selling them!!! By the real question...
  5. chickenobsessed

    Incubating eggs HELPPP

    How could I resolve that problem? I have to keep the fan in there to get the heat to go to the bottom
  6. chickenobsessed

    Hatching egg!! Please help!!

    sounds like the humidity is too low, put a pan of water in there and you may have to spray a little bit of water on it
  7. chickenobsessed

    Incubating eggs HELPPP

    I made an incubator out of a old cabinet. I have a computer fan that is 6V, it is directly above half of the egg turner so that it would blow the heat down to the bottom, the fan is about 6-12 inches from the eggs, but the half of the eggs that has the fan blowing on, there is no duck in them...
  8. chickenobsessed


    The chica are doing great, just got a little worried because I never had that happen before in all of the many of chicks I hatched!
  9. chickenobsessed


    What is wrong with this chick hatching, this one is hatched and i have another hatching right now, and it is the same thing. what shoul i do?
  10. chickenobsessed

    Meat rabbit tractor

    yes i am planning on keeping the male and female seperated until spring, then let them mate and putting all the kits in a rabbit tractor, then in 10 weeks or so, slaughter them and during the winter keep a male and a female in my chicken coop in a pen and feed them hay and maybe pellets and when...
  11. chickenobsessed

    Meat rabbit tractor

    What if I fed them hay, so they are getting hay and grass all day, I just don't wanna give them pellets, I'm tying to keep the cost very low
  12. chickenobsessed

    Meat rabbit tractor

    If I get rabbits and build a rabbit tractor and put the rabbits in it and put them in the yard, and move them every day, would I have to feed them anything else beside all the grass they are getting to eat?
  13. chickenobsessed

    Help my chicken died and I dont know why?

    We actually got the bird a few week ago, and it did have messed up feet from being in the shell too long, but it was acting fine and I just went down there and it was dead, thank you
  14. chickenobsessed

    Help my chicken died and I dont know why?

    i have read somewhere online that you can send in a sample of blood, i think and they will tell you why the chicken died, but i cant find it now, does anybody know where it is, i need it soon because i cant leave a dead chicken in the coop
  15. chickenobsessed

    Khaki Campbells

    i have khaki campbell and i think it is just molting, or growing their feathers, i think mine did the same thing, i wouldnt worry about it
  16. chickenobsessed

    What breed of ducks

    Ok thanks
  17. chickenobsessed

    What breed of ducks

    Help what breed of ducks are these, their is 2 black ones and the rest are all brown dont mind the chickens, or the pics that are far away, i couldnt get any really close they would run the other way
  18. chickenobsessed

    Bobwhite hatching

    i have bobwhites and not coturnix, but of what i hear they are the same, they just take longer to grow, they take 23 days to hatch and they start laying eggs at 20 weeks old
  19. chickenobsessed

    Quail egg tays/racks

    go onto ebay or amazon, i found some on their for pretty cheap
  20. chickenobsessed

    Khaki Campbells

    can you post some pictures, it would help to tell
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